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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Iran launches ballistic missiles during military exercise

Iran's Revolutionary Guard launched several ballistic missiles in recent days as part of a military exercise showing off the rogue nation's power, the official IRNA news agency reported on Tuesday.

The missiles launched today appeared to have a short range of 180-250 miles, not viewed as the same threat as the November launch of medium-range ballistic missiles, first reported by Fox News late last year.

Today’s launch would not violate Iran's nuclear deal signed with the U.S. but does breach a U.N. security council resolution, officials tell Fox News. That resolution bars Iran from working on any ballistic missiles.



  1. Hey Obama how was that $215 billion released back to a terrorist country working out you traitor.

  2. Look MAD Mutual Assured Destruction still applies. IRAN is not stupid.

  3. king Osama has no problem with this whatsoever

  4. Coming to a town near you soon


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