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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Incredible Articles You May Not Have Been Aware Of

China Buys Chicago stock exchange, green slush fund and Ryan's unholy alliance

The Green slush fund is covered by the 'grey market bloggers' but is confirmed. This came into play when barrel prices plummeted and gas went down. Obama and Ryan saw it as an opportunity to stick it to Americans by adding $10 per barrel. ($40.00per barrel as opposed to $30) thus making gas go above $2 per gallon.



  1. Yepper, things are looking pretty bleak for us common folk.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong (and I hope that I am).

  2. No your spot on they are getting bolder however. The bedfellows of DC politics never ceases to amaze me. They really are in it for some force other than the people.

  3. The problem is if you thought Ryan was the savior of the Republican Party. We have some more swampland we can sell you. These fools, well I Wonder who the fools really are. Yeh Sucker me once. Well were do we turn?? Donald Trump is the answer! Look he knew he could not run as independent he would never win. HE has to change the Republican Party!it must!! because it's obvious they are traders also Just as evil as the outright commie Democrats. Whom are way gone!
    but there may be hope for the Republicans yet!


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