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Saturday, March 26, 2016

HUD Mandates ‘Affordable Housing’ in Affluent Baltimore Suburbs

(CNSNews.com) - The Obama administration has started its push to expand low-income housing into "higher opportunity areas."

The Department of Housing and Urban Development last week announced a "landmark" settlement agreement with Baltimore County that will serve as a catalyst to "promote housing mobility" and "address residential segregation."

The goal is to move low- and very-low-income people out of the city and into the suburbs.

“Every person deserves a fair shot at opportunity, and that starts with a decent, safe, and affordable place to call home,” HUD Secretary Julián Castro said in the March 15 announcement. “This agreement sets Baltimore County on a path to stronger, more inclusive communities where everyone can enjoy equal access to opportunity."

The agreement stems from a complaint filed with HUD in 2011 by the Baltimore County branch of the NAACP; a fair housing group; and three individuals who claimed Baltimore County had failed to "affirmatively further fair housing."

To settle that complaint, HUD is requiring Baltimore County to spend $30 million ($3 million annually for ten years) to create 1,000 affordable housing units, either through new construction or rehabilitation.

In addition, the county must provide 2,000 Housing Choice Vouchers to help families gain access to "higher opportunity neighborhoods."

The units will be geographically dispersed in "neighborhoods that provide access to opportunity." The 46-page settlement includes a chart (Exhibit F) listing the 116 relatively affluent census tracts surrounding Baltimore City where most of the 1,000 housing units must be located.

More here


  1. Great. I work hard to get out of the ghetto and now they will bring it to me. Sounds like democrats hard at work .

  2. these poor folks haven't been given enough. will the naacp require lottery machines in all these neighborhoods

  3. This is Bull S**! The people that live in the suburbs "worked" to get there. That is a word that the inner city trash know nothing about and don't want to learn. If they want to live in the suburbs, go get a job and work to get there just like those that live there did. Such BS.

  4. How ironic that the same people who refuse school voucher programs that would allow children to flee failing public schools for better opportunities would mandate a program such as this.

  5. They could make their own communities decent, safe, and affordable but they don't.
    Shanie was on city council, and what did she do for them?
    They have every opportunity that we do, they are simply too lazy to bother cleaning up their own garbage.

  6. This leaves a huge number of hardworking people in the dust who can neither afford the area nor qualify for subsidized housing. Ironically, it's their taxes who pay for those subsidies.

  7. A person works hard. 60-80 hrs a week. Sacrifices. Does without. Drives a used car and packs his lunch.
    He wants a nice house for his family and a safe place to let his kids play.
    Its going to take a few years.
    But our "leaders", again, want to TAKE from working people and GIVE to those who have never worked, never sacrificed and never stopped to think that having 4 kids (and not a father in sight) at age 22 was a plan for success. People move to these neighborhoods because they don't want to live next to a ghetto dump with trash in the yard, junk cars in the driveway, kids fighting and stealing anything not tied down, pit bulls barking all night, and loud street parties at 2AM.
    Now, the house one pays $1800 a month for is given to Shaquitha and her 4 kids for $87 a month. Because she "deserves" it.
    To our "leaders" this makes perfect sense --- NONE of the ghetto queens will be moving into THEIR gated communities.
    EVERY SINGLE ONE of the dozens, no, HUNDREDS, of subsidized apartment complexes across the country STARTED out as beautifully landscaped, modern and equipped contemporary spaces (because low income families "deserved" a nice place to live. At someone else's expense, of course. Today they are all squalid, festering, high crime areas.
    BUT, if we would only give Shaquitha a 5 bedroom, 3 bath Colonial on a couple of wooded acres, well, it will transform her life, the neighborhood, and rainbows will start shooting out of her ace.
    Where do these idiots come from???
    Keep cheering.

  8. The people who Obama wants to move were in a nice and safe neighborhood until the lazy trash moved in and ruined everything with crime, gangs,drugs and prostitution.
    Now Obama wants to move this trash to where the hard working and law abiding citizens fled to.
    You can bet Obama will not move them to his neighborhood.

  9. Google the HUD Secretary Julián Castro that Obama appointed and you will see why this is happening.

  10. you know this is a joke since there are no affluent neighborhoods inside baltimore city limits. federal hill? two blocks surrounded by the jungle!

  11. I do agree that every legal citizen of this country has the right to the opportunity to live in safe, decent, affordable housing. If they can pay the rent and maintain their living habits and lifestyle in a manner that keeps it a safe, decent and affordable place to live, that is.


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