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Thursday, March 31, 2016

How Rubio and the RNC Plan to Cheat Trump

This is interesting. Marco Rubio is not going to release any of his delegates before the convention. As the Washington Examiner notes:

Marco Rubio is taking steps to ensure that any national convention delegates bound to him remain on his side of the ledger at the outset of Republican National Convention, a move designed to hamstring Donald Trump's attempt to clinch the GOP presidential nomination.

"The decision to suspend my campaign for president of the Untied States is not intended to release any national convention delegates bound to me as a result of the 2016 delegate selection process that took place in your state," Rubio wrote to the Alaska Republican Party in a letter that was also obtained by the Washington Examiner. "It is my desire at this time that the delegates allocated to me by your rules remain bound to vote for me on at least the first nominating ballot at the national convention."

Rubio admitted defeat in the presidential primary fight after losing his home state of Florida on March 15, but the disposition of his delegates could still have a major influence on the outcome of the race. Cruz and Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, are working force a contested convention by preventing Trump from garnering the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination on the first ballot.

Rubio is happy to help in that effort. "Of course, he's no longer a candidate and wants to give voters a chance to stop Trump," Rubio spokesman Alex Burgos said in an email to the Washington Examiner.

As the piece notes, as Rubio retains his delegates, he limits opportunities for those who might support Trump to go over to his side as a free agent. The only conceivable notion for a move like this is to stop the rise of Donald Trump, and prevent him from winning the nomination.

Source: AAN


  1. So, Rubio would rather manipulate the vote than to stay true to his oath and to the People. No wonder his own people didn't vote for him!

    Those delegates should be released to vote for whoever they want.

  2. Rubio needs to release the delegates, period. Little Marco is acting like a spoiled child who won't share his toys

  3. Rules are rules. Its only cheating if you break the rules. If its allowed, its NOT cheating. Get over it Trump.

  4. My 12 year old son is more of a MAN then marco,

  5. Little Marco.....what a tool!


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