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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Guinness: Israel Holocaust Survivor, 112, World's Oldest Ma

A 112-year-old Israeli who lived through both World Wars and survived the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz is the world's oldest man, Guinness World Records announced on Friday.

Guinness said in a statement that Israel Kristal is 112 years and 178 days old as of March 11.

"I don't know the secret for long life," Guinness quoted Kristal as saying. "I believe that everything is determined from above and we shall never know the reasons why."

"There have been smarter, stronger and better looking men then me who are no longer alive. All that is left for us to do is to keep on working as hard as we can and rebuild what is lost," he added.

Guinness said Kristal was born in 1903 to an Orthodox Jewish family near the town of Zarnow in Poland. During the Nazi occupation of Poland he was confined to the ghetto there and later sent to the Auschwitz and other concentration camps. His first wife and two children were killed in the Holocaust.

Kristal survived World War II weighing only 37 kilograms (about 81 pounds) — the only survivor of his large family. He moved to Israel in 1950 with his second wife and their son, Guinness said.

Kristal’s daughter Shula Kuperstoch told The Jerusalem Post that he has been religiously observant his whole life and continues to lay tefillin each morning.

“The Holocaust did not affect his beliefs,” Kuperstoch said. “He believes he was saved because that’s what God wanted. He is not an angry person, he is not someone who seeks to an accounting, he believes everything has a reason in the world.”

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