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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Governor Larry Hogan Delivers Keynote Address at the Maryland Business for Responsive Government’s Luncheon

Focuses on the Administration’s Commitment to Increased Economic Development and Job Creation

Governor Larry Hogan today delivered the keynote address at Maryland Business for Responsive Government’s State of Business Luncheon. This marks the second year that he has been invited to keynote this annual event, which centers on Maryland’s current business climate and plans for improvement.

In his remarks, Governor Hogan focused on the goals shared by his administration and Maryland Business for Responsive Government (MBRG) – increased economic development and job creation.

“I hope you all know by now that with our administration, the business community has a friend in the governor’s office,” said Governor Hogan. “Maryland should be a place where startups can thrive and grow, where Fortune 500 companies look to invest, and where family-owned businesses can support generation after generation.”

With these goals in mind, the governor highlighted some of the progress made over the past year. Since Governor Hogan declared that Maryland is open for business in 2015, the state’s economy has added more than 45,000 new jobs — the largest gain Maryland has experienced in the past decade. In addition, tolls were cut at every single facility in the state for the first time in more than 50 years, and more than 100 different fees were reduced or eliminated. Thanks to these and other initiatives, the Hogan administration has put more than $600 million back into the state’s economy, and back into the pockets of Maryland taxpayers.

“When I was here a year ago, I pledged that we would put Maryland on a new path and create a more business-friendly future for our state. With your help, that is exactly what we have done, and I know it's an effort and commitment that we can count on going into the future."

Maryland Business for Responsive Government is a statewide, nonpartisan political research and education organization. To help foster economic development and job creation, MBRG educates elected officials on Maryland’s business climate, and then holds them accountable for their votes.

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