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Tuesday, March 01, 2016

GOP Smart Set: Let’s Start ‘Smart Set Party,’ Back Third-Party Candidate

Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse says that he expects to “look for” a third-party candidate to challenge Donald Trump in the general election if Trump becomes the Republican nominee.

Sasse said in a lengthy Facebook post that he is a “movement conservative” but that he will not support either Trump or Hillary Clinton because “Trump’s relentless focus is on dividing Americans.”

“I sincerely hope we select one of the other GOP candidates, but if Donald Trump ends up as the GOP nominee, conservatives will need to find a third option,” Sasse wrote.

“Given what we know about him today, here’s where I’m at: If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, my expectation is that I will look for some third candidate – a conservative option, a Constitutionalist,” Sasse continued.

“I do not claim to speak for a movement but I suspect I am far from alone.

More here


  1. If they do that - the dumbocrats will win!

    At least one more OweBlama term!

  2. All the republicans who do NOT STAND BEHIND TRUMP when he wins should be fired!!!

  3. 'Smart set' = elitists.

  4. Conservative=establishment owned by big money

  5. Figures the NWO is shaking in thier boots. Donalds an American first, beileves in an independent strong powerful america, a gloablist second.

  6. I think for myself and Trump talks a good talk saying everything we want to hear. I have heard no solutions on how he will do anything. That is the same thing Obama did / does. He always threatens and degrades people. I was for Trump until I started evaluate what he was saying. My deduction is he is no better than an egotistical "Bully". My way or the highway mentality. He is not a team player so will he get along with the World Leaders or create more turmoil in foreign and domestic policies?. He does only the things that he can profit from. He reminds me of a "White" Obama. That is my opinion which is opposition to 98% of you all. Quit being followers and start thinking and evaluating for yourselves. This election is a do or die for American Democracy. This might be the hardest election for me vote in. It might be the first one I have not voted in 46 years.

    1. Totally agree! Trump says lots of appealing things but is offering little in the way of workable solutions. But then again, neither is any other candidate. Trump appeals to the businessman in me, but my grandmother raised me to not be so hateful.

  7. This clown sounds like he's be gotten to by the Obama Mafia.
    "Say this BS or else, pal."

  8. Just look at Donald Trump's record of building, solving, and partnering.

    Then vote for him.

    Please! Save this Country!

  9. "Totally agree! Trump says lots of appealing things but is offering little in the way of workable solutions. But then again, neither is any other candidate. Trump appeals to the businessman in me, but my grandmother raised me to not be so hateful."

    Whenever someone questions the tax code, the elites go ballistic. Herman Cain's 999 plan is an example. So, we should favor those candidates that favor excusing the rich and scalp (what's left of) the middle class?

    I think that anyone that does NOT champion tax code changes should be eliminated from consideration.

  10. Maybe that's what this country needs....someone with the kahunas to tell everybody else to go pack sand until we fix our own problems. Or at least some of them.

  11. "I think that anyone that does NOT champion tax code changes should be eliminated from consideration." Yeah, well the candidate who wants to abolish the IRS and has put forth realistic plans for a flat tax is Ted Cruz.

  12. The Donald's reaction to the Super Tuesday results spoke volumes about him. His words were not about him, but about emboldening Americans! That's team building, and that's what it's going to take to Make America Great Again.


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