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Thursday, March 17, 2016

GOP Delegate: We Pick The Nominee, ‘Not Voters’ [VIDEO]

Republican Party officials have a plan.

A plan so sinister, so anti-democratic and so underhanded that it will destroy the fabric of the party itself.

What people aren’t told is that officially, voters don’t really choose the candidates in party primaries – the delegates do.

And while we’ve been led to believe that the delegates are bound to the results of a state primary, they’re not. Not really.

To prove it, look at Colorado or North Dakota or Wyoming. They don’t have a primary or a caucus. Party leaders from those states get together and simply decide who they want the delegates to support. There are 112 “unbound” delegates.

But if you think just because your state had a primary or a caucus that your delegates are bound to the results: Think again. At a contested convention, if nobody gets a majority after the first vote, then the delegates get to decide amongst themselves who wins. Not you.



  1. The GOP by interfering with what the public wants and catering to special interests are going to give this election to the democrats, we are destined to failure as a party if they meddle with their political tactics. We the people have had enough.

  2. The Republican Establishment isn't getting there way so they ARE going to screw the VOTERS and put in there own SAFE candidate ie Cruz/Kasich. ...then the Silent Majority WILL RIOT.

  3. This can be fixed. Introduce a law that demands that the popular vote is what counts and any congressperson that votes against it, we vote out of office.

  4. The party will be split. There will be rioting in the streets if they do this!

  5. Why just single out the GOP? The Party of Liberal Jim seems to be able to keep Killary in the lead no matter how many votes Bernie gets!

  6. The establishment will pick either Paul Ryan or Romney. It will definitely be interesting how this will turn out! Either way, the voters will loose!

  7. Are the votes recorded? Are the delegates known? Is the outcome published? I would not want to be the person who went against the vote. I would imagine the blowback would be life threatening.

  8. I'd almost like to see this happen in order to expose the system for the sham it is.

  9. Most of the voting public do NOT know how it actually works.

    The Repugnicrat establishment doesn't want them to know....

    Problem is, if the establishment picks someone other than trump at this point, ha can (and most likely will) run independantly. Everyone that voted for him in the primaries will vote for him again (they're soo fed up). If there's enough additional votes, he'll win - if not, get ready for four more downhill years....

    If you think we can't get any worse - you don't know Willy, Hilly, Chilly, or Bernie!

  10. Just as bad as the electrical college . It's a travisity to democracy. Too bad our founding fathers did not trust us to vote!


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