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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Giuliani suggests Hillary ‘founding member of ISIS’

Says Trump, Cruz 'would take the war' to Islamist terrorists

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, slammed Hillary Clinton during a recent Fox News broadcast, telling host Bill O'Reilly and the millions of watchers the former secretary of State is a big reason why ISIS exists.

"I mean, Hillary Clinton could be considered a founding member of ISIS," he said, the Hill reported.

The 'Stop Hillary' campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: 'Clinton for prosecution, not president'

He said Clinton had ample opportunity to deal with the terror group during her State Department tenure, but she refused and will instead go down in history as "part of an administration that withdrew from Iraq," he said.

"By being part of an administration that let Maliki run Iraq ... into the ground," Giuliani said, the Hill reported, "[she] forced the Shiites to make a choice, by not intervening in Syria in the proper time."

O'Reilly suggested Clinton wasn't really that culpable for the rise of ISIS because she never held the power to force President Obama to do something he didn't want to do. But Giuliani said it's such politicking that makes her a poor choice for president.


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