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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'

SCHOOLS and canteens in Germany have BANNED pork from their menus over fears of offending Muslim migrants, a top politician has revealed.

An increasing number of public canteens, child daycare centres and schools have stopped serving sausages, bacon and ham over religious considerations.

Now members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party are fighting to keep pork on the menu, insisting the consumption of pork is part of German culture.

Daniel Günther, party representative, claimed that pork products were being taken off the menu in schools, nurseries and canteens across the country.

He said: "The protection of minorities - including for religious reasons - must not mean that the majority is overruled in their free decision by ill-conceived consideration.



  1. Wir sind Idioten!

  2. Wow. Home of the sausage. Kinda like America. Turning it's back to all that is American.

  3. She is just as bad or worse than that illegal Muslim from Kenya occupying our White House!

  4. What's next banning beer, since they don't like alcohol? Soon it will be the German Republic of Islam!

  5. This is a joke right?

  6. Oh for Pete Sake, let them be offended, keep serving the sausages, maybe, just maybe they will go back home where they belong and not have to worry about it. Quit changing everything because they may be offended. Let them be offended.

  7. The Muslim ban on pork was initiated as a health consideration due to the high prevalence of trichinosis, which is not a major concern anywhere where pork is adequately inspected and cooked. The scare is over. Adopt a rewrite of the Islamic rules and enjoy some ribs, and enter the century without fear - do not fear or malign the porcine family any longer.


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