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Sunday, March 06, 2016


1. "Locally, a study a couple years ago found more than three times as many black residents as white were arrested in Wicomico County."

2. "The first administrative action Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver took was to fire a black staffer." 

3. "His transition team had no African-Americans and his first major decision was an attempt to defund new school construction for a majority-black elementary school."

4. "Twice as many blacks are unemployed compared to their white counterparts."

5. "This year we’ve seen whites argue the Confederate Flag is not a racist symbol." 

6. "It should be pointed out that despite white lies from Republican political and law enforcement leaders, police deaths by gunfire fell last year."

7. "BLM offers an important opportunity to recognize racism’s insidious societal presence and prioritize real remedies."

Gains Hawkins is a member of the Wicomico County Democratic Central Committee.

Wow, where do I start! I'll start with this. Gains was Rick Pollitt's Campaign Manager, enough said.

The column was published in the Daily Times on March 2, 2016. Let's take each of the many topics in order.

1. I find it very interesting the author does not tell where he got his statistics. I've asked local authorities and no one seems to have an answer, yet there's apparently a study on it, according to Gains.

2.  Bob Culver fired a black staffer is total BS. Bob Culver hadn't even been sworn in. It was Rick Pollitt who terminated that employee, but why should facts get in the way of a failing Daily Times newspaper.

3. Good Lord! Were there any blacks on Jim Ireton's, Jake Day, Barrie Tilghman, etc? I can assure you that IF someone showed Bob interest in participating with his transition team he would have been honored, (if qualified) to enjoy them on his team. As for defunding the school in a black district, is this guys head stuck up his rear end! Bob never said he wouldn't fund that school. Bob simply stated he wanted to redevelop what was already there, saving the taxpayers millions of dollars.

4. Twice as many blacks are unemployed... If you want to FIX that, instead of blaming WHITES for it, get rid of EBT, Affordable Housing and Welfare for ALL. Start by drug testing anyone receiving these benefits and then cap the assistance to ONE YEAR. Then maybe, just maybe, people will get off the free ride program and get a job. 

5. This year we've seen WHITE LIBERALS being the actual RACISTS against whites, constantly labeling them as racist. Shall we make a new flag for that Gains?

6. How's that statement working for you THIS YEAR Gains? Not that I even agreed with your "last year" statement.

7. Just what is the AUTHORS remedies? You seem to want to point fingers and place blame, yet like all typical radical liberals, you offer no answers. The author acts like blacks are completely innocent and fails to mention things like the "knock out game". All Lives Matter, period. 

This Post was sparked today because the Daily Times, (once again) reprinted on line the ENTIRE article calling out  Bob Culver for firing Tamara Brooks. Again, Culver hadn't even been sworn in. Pollitt's administration terminated Tamara. Oh, here's a thought. Why not call Tamara and ask her who let her go. Wouldn't that mean that they actually confirmed their story? They didn't do so because they lied and fabricated it, (again today) to make Bob out to be a RACIST. They couldn't even get it right the second time, (two years later) around. 

Finally, white race baiting against other whites is a dangerous game. These Liberals think they are more credible when they spew such LIES/HATE against their own race, because their personalities and lifestyles aren't accepted by other normal human beings. They remind me of an old Rodney Dangerfield joke where he said, "The first time I made love it was great, I was by myself." 

Shame on Gaines Hawkins and the Daily Times. 


  1. gains is just another wanabee. Pollitt lost in a 2 to 1 state because people were tried of his backdoor politics and lack of accountability. How else do you loose in a 2 to 1 state! Time for a reality check Gains and better luck next time! I am a life long democrat but am slowly seeing the light.

  2. This guy is a pos
    By the way last night at a council meeting the county council took away the power of the school superintendent_from hiring teachers (wagner) Dorchester.

  3. I have a communist race baiter story for you that was hired by the government,Van Jones did a manifesto called STORM but was immediately taken down by the government this is the same guy blasting trump and Jeffrey Lord on CNN Google it.

  4. I read that letter on Sunday and have thought about it off and on week. Why in the heck would a newspaper publish such garbage?

  5. They only try to take "Attempted pokes" and use of the so called "race card" when they have nothing else!! They think by speaking of race that it will silent people!

    Shouldn't County sue Delmarva Times for not verifying such damaging and WRONG INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. He is just trying to keep up his ghetto cred.

  7. Who is this clown and why should I care what he thinks about on any given subject?

  8. NQU/2:09pm
    I'm with you and IMHO so are many, many others.

  9. And you can put Geoff Smoot on the same page. Both liberal Democrats who will gladly give your taxes away to people who will not work. Actually they are Socialist. Someplace there has to be a a similar equation between intelligence and common sense. Not a chance with these guys.

  10. he is all washed up and trying to be relevant again.

  11. He's another eastern shore loser--hasn't worked a real day in his life

  12. when gains is a victim of the knockout game by his brotherhood he might change his tune

  13. I don't know Mr. Hawkins but he is misinformed and should check his sources out completely. He is the equivalent of Al Sharpton with his unverified propaganda and is hurting this community with his racial tactics. He is a poor example of community leadership and very basically an example of poor values, cowardice and is a liar.

  14. Joe, thank you for answering the racist stuff spewed by this man. The Daily Times has shown once again that there is no level too low to stoop.

    Hawkins' implications were clear. Culver should sue him. Oh that's right, he'll hide behind freedom of the press as a columnist for the Daily Times.

    If people don't see how totally out of touch SUSAN PARKER is with this community they should now.

    This is disgraceful and what remains of that rag should be boycotted.

  15. They want to nail Culver with firing a "black staffer"? Well Gains, you aren't too smart because your Ricky boy did it under his regime. For all you know Gains, Culver may have offered her an open position somewhere else in county government if it had been up to him. She was gone lock, stock and credentials before Culver was sworn in. Are you going to talk about Ricky firing a "black staffer"? Of course not, because stirring up racial discord against Republicans and especially Culver is what you're all about.

    Now the Daily Trash is trying to say Culver never refuted firing her by running an article from December 10, 2014. Really? I thought personnel matters were supposed to be confidential. Maybe Culver didn't see the need to rehash that. The paper certainly was attacking him right from the beginning on every move he was making. Their liberal bias and the opinions of Hawkins have made the paper unreadable.

  16. I am so sick and tired of hearing misguided information and attacks about my Confederate heritage and the flag that I am willing to give him a serious a$$ whooping. Functional idiots like him don't deserve to consume the same oxygen as we do. How can a white man of any intelligence stoop so low to turn on his own people for low life racist thugs like BLM!

  17. Gains Hawkins is doing nothing more than trying to pit the races against each other. He is the racist.

    I'd like to know who decided that his "opinion" is of any value. He is a disgrace.

  18. Joe, the Hawkins opinion was originally published on 2.28. They are stirring the pot today by reprinting a story from December, 2014 about the termination.
    More sleazy journal by them.

  19. Another liberal POS

  20. I think if Hawkins was Pollitt's campaign manager, it is clear why Pollitt lost. The guy is an idiot. It also says a lot about Pollitt that he'd have a guy like that run his campaign. The County got the right outcome in the election. Hawkins is doing his best to destroy Culver to make up for the big black mark for guiding Pollitt's losing effort. Get over yourself Gains. You are a loser in more ways than one.

  21. sadly, the low-information voters will believe what they read and act accordingly :(

  22. Thank goodness you've posted this Joe. I only read this crazy man's column after I heard others talking about how despicable it was. We need a way to express our displeasure with what is truly race baiting at its worst. After all, anything that is sent to the DT that is not to their liking gets edited. Just one more way they can't be trusted to deliver the truth.

    Thank you for telling it like it is.

  23. Merriam Webster Dictionary’s simple definition of race-baiting is “the unfair use of statements about race to try and influence the action or attitudes of a particular group or people”. BUSTED GAINS!!

  24. You know what's happening to America today..... We all are getting "desensitized" to accusing whites that they are "racist"... Atfirst when accused of racism, we would sink in our hole as there was nothing we could do to defend the whites... We were already guilty in the eyes of the Haters!

    It's old so very old!!!!!!!

  25. Is it Susan Parker that decides who decides to publish trash like this or is it the Shockley dude? Management needs to finish cleaning house at the paper.

  26. Democrats lives dont mater. They are lying scum.

  27. He is an a**hat whose entire career has been at the teat of some government job. A good days work would probably disable him at best.

  28. Totally ridiculous and he is absolutely racist. This claim about the Confederate flag.....what is BET television channel, what is black history month, what is all the statues being torn down or moved, and on and on. Now we're hearing about the lack of blacks in various awards.....so should we outlaw sports awards to black athletes.....should be demand that more blacks get involved in better movies. Should we outlaw rap music as racist? Have you seen the FB posting about the taxes owed & penalty assessed by Willie Nelson and several other persons and then compared to Sharpton? Yes, there is racism evident in this country....AND it is biased against the non-black races. This has to stop, NOW.

  29. Thank you for posting this article so we can see the trash spewed by liberal minded idiots that believe they know something.

  30. I would love to see him replaced by a black person (whom I'm sure would be more qualified), and listen to him whine then.

  31. And it is conveniently forgotten that James Ireton, Jr., darling of the Democrats, fired Lore` Chambers, the first AA assistant city administrator, effectively putting her out of the running for administrator.

    1. And that cost the taxpayers of Salisbury over a quarter million dollars in legal fees and settlement money.

  32. All the more reason why anyone left purchasing that rag of a newspaper finally drop their subscription for good.

    They LIE, yes, I said LIE and they do so knowingly for their own agenda.

    Get used to it Folks, the Liberals are circling their wagons already. Look, IF there's something to go after Culver for and it's true, I too will go after him. However, he has done everything in his powers to be a fiscally conservative republican, something extremely rare here. Just look at John Cannon, the biggest BS artist on the Shore. He's no republican. He's whatever you want him to be at that moment. We've seen the likes of the Brewington Family change their party affiliation to suit whatever garnishes the most votes. At least Bob ran on a platform and has stuck to every part of what he promised. You have to respect any person doing so, especially when they got elected.

    Then there's that Welfounder woman who rubs shoulders on Facebook with mostly liberals and heads the local republican party. Yeah, people are disgusted with people like her and it's no wonder the local chapter keeps shrinking. They are useless and meaningless.

    Culver, well, that's a real man. Goes to work very early every single day and leaves well past everyone else. Not like Pollitt who never worked a Friday his entire time as Executive and came and went whenever he wanted. Bob's not out kissing babies or rear ends. He took on a difficult job and has to fight back all the hands that are out from all of the liberal I want, I want, I want, left over from Pollitt.

    These are people who have NO CLUE what it's like to put in a full or hard days work. These liberals have no clue how to run a business and only take on these government jobs because they can take care of all their special interest buddies. Well, how's that worked for you over all those years. Do you see new industry, manufacturing, decent paying jobs. NO, not for those who need it, unless you are a special interest.

    Remember that the next time you see that piece of crap newspaper who believes they can control or influence elections any more. Their following is nothing and it is absolutely proven by the size of the crappy news they deliver. A ONE MAN Blog put them under and what do the liberals say, they go after me because I alone forced a local business to downsize and possibly close. I deliver more articles a day then their entire crew and kiss my rear end with that copy and paste crap. ANYTHING that says "AP" in their paper is copy and paste, which is most everything they do.

    Finally, the liberals are losing. We continue to grow, they continue to shrink. I crack up to no end when I see who advertises in the DT's and Greg Bassett's throw it in your driveway paper. It's their last chance to feel like they are somebody. Just give it a little more time Folks. They'll be gone very soon. Cancel that subscription and get it over with.

  33. Dose anyone actually read the Times anymore?

  34. What a sorry excuse for a human being. His family's heads need to be dragging the ground in shame. They have nothing to be proud of in him. His actions speak volumes to the piss poor job his mother and father did of raising him. If still alive their heads need to drag the ground in shame. They are worthless individuals. Scum of the earth for raising such a loser.
    Remember the democrat's idol Saul Alinsky's rules for radical's Rule #5 Ridicule is a man's most potent weapon. Ridicule this useless piece of shit until he is recognized where ever he goes.

  35. Sad, sad, sad article. I can only think that Gains wrote this after forgetting his morning medications. Dementia is a terrible thing!

  36. Suck it up gains you worthless nothing. Pollitt lost and the governor is Larry Hogan a republican is governor in MD! Donald Trump will be president so get used to it now! People are seeing the light and are seeing that used toilet paper has more value than people like Gains' opinion.

  37. What does it say about our economic development when the county government is one of the largest employers? Thank your Dimocratic friends for that.

  38. I hope the daily disappointment stays in business a few more months, its almost time to chow on steamed crabs

  39. Hawkins has never been much of a man. Basically he is a crybaby if someone mentions anything anti Socialist. He is so liberal he admires Muslims who abuse women, wipe their butts with their bare hands, and have no problems having sex with a goat. Hawkins is a sick person and perhaps a pervert himself.

  40. you tell them 4:53 pm, I support your statement.

  41. Democrats need blacks on their plantation.Always promising to help but keeping them poor.

  42. In response to Gains comment about so many blacks being unemployed - Maybe if his liberal Democrats didn't provide so many free entitlements, they'd go find jobs. Why work when they can live off the taxpayers? Wake up! Why do you think the taxpayers are so angry! It's people like Hawkins who have created the entitlement environment and it STILL is not enough for them. Time to take back America from the freeloaders.

  43. There was no valid reason for Hawkins to insert any comments about Culver into his BLM rant. He is just trying to slam Culver because he and his campaign beat the pants off of Pollitt and Hawkins. Petty, bitter man.

  44. For someone who claims he is a Christian, Hawkins sure isn't acting like one. Maybe he should concentrate on improving his own life rather than attacking others.

  45. THANK GOD Pollitt lost. Can you believe he listened to this man? Had him as his campaign manager! Rick, I gave you credit for being a better man than that. No wonder you went off the rails with advisers like Hawkins. He REALLY led you astray.

  46. The Daily Times needs to provide the sources for Hawkins claims. He writes for them, so they need to show us the documentation to back up his claims.

  47. Allowing Hawkins to be one of the regular commentators just speaks to how low The Daily Times has fallen. Unless Ganett decides to rid themselves with the likes of Susan Parker the days of The Daily Times is limited in this community.

  48. they cant find any real news so why not make it up

  49. The executive has done a good job. But there is still plenty of liberal department heads that cater to the insubordinate blacks who will cry the race card at the drop of a hat.

  50. 5:40 he has no sources. He just spews lies and The Daily Rag prints them.


  51. Don't know this dude, but he can't be sober. Sounds like a drunk rambling on and on about something he knows nothing about. Just wants to win the argument.

  52. Facts be known. The democratic party is the party of slavery, oppression, and intolerance. Historically speaking and present day.
    They continue to buffalo minority and people like Hawkins are part of the charade.

  53. Five times as many black children are born to single mothers. Three times as many black children drop out of school. Eight times as many siblings have different fathers. 90% of county murders are committed by blacks. Shall I go on?
    I'm growing weary of the give, give, give, take, take, take without reasonable expectation of return. Programs come and go with great promises but scant positive results, yet they are repeated again and again, often under different names.
    Fix it.

  54. I can't believe my eyes I was just watching Fox news and the had David Gurgaon from CBS telling Fox hoe to take out TRUMP.

  55. It's all a ploy by liberal Dems to destroy conservatives' images so they can gain power again.


  56. Met him some years back after he was canned from SU; caught on in similar capacity at UMES. Guess he's now retired and scraping by on his state pension.

    Each time he's written for the newspaper his assertions and command of 'facts' have me thinking he must be the reason for the capacity increase at the WWTP.

  57. He is a Leftist Democrat Voter....

    They are Anti-Gunners too and he hangs out with the Peace in the Park crowd in the Fall in the Salisbury Park every year where they BEAT ON DRUMS AND HUM...


    Pot Smoking Whacks!!!!

  58. He's never been a true community leader, only a seldom listened to voice.

  59. If you notice, smart African Americans are now joining the Republican party. They are now realizing that the Democrats have really repressed their upward mobility. Clinton is responsible for a lot of their decline and what has Obama done????

  60. Gains Hawkins = YAWN. The only person impressed with him is himself.

  61. All hat, no cattle, to turn a phrase.

  62. You all are missing the point. SUSAN PARKER is the problem. She thinks his views are main stream. She controls much of the editorial content of the Rag. Email Gannett with how out of touch she is with the community. She needs to go.

  63. What needs to be clear is that Culver is not making his decisions based on race as this wing nut implies. Thank goodness Culver is making decisions based on whether we can afford it or not. I for one cannot afford another penny in taxes to pay for all the liberal giveaways including replacing schools because the BOE doesn't take care of them.

  64. Don't forget that this article/Letter to the Editor/Editorial or what ever you call it was edited, encouraged a posted by none other than the Queen Bee of the local Democrat Party Susan Hargreaves Parker!

    Keep that P.O.S. Susan Parker in mind when you see White Trashing buy these low life white thugs when they have an agenda to put the white man down, the Republican white man that is.

  65. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And you can put Geoff Smoot on the same page. Both liberal Democrats who will gladly give your taxes away to people who will not work. Actually they are Socialist. Someplace there has to be a a similar equation between intelligence and common sense. Not a chance with these guys.

    March 2, 2016 at 2:40 PM

    Yes Smoot is another Left Wing Nut retard from the local Dumbocrap Party(Think Josh Hastings.)

  66. Anonymous said...
    Gains Hawkins is doing nothing more than trying to pit the races against each other. He is the racist.

    I'd like to know who decided that his "opinion" is of any value. He is a disgrace.

    March 2, 2016 at 3:24 PM

    UH... Does the name Susan Hargreaves Parker from the Rag ring a bell! I am embarrassed that she is a Parishioner of a wonderful Parish and St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church. She is tolerated at the Parrish many of us are tired of her agitating at the church.

  67. mommy13 said...
    defamation of character,

    March 2, 2016 at 2:50 PM


  68. White Confederate Lives Matter!!

  69. Anonymous said...
    They want to nail Culver with firing a "black staffer"? Well Gains, you aren't too smart because your Ricky boy did it under his regime. For all you know Gains, Culver may have offered her an open position somewhere else in county government if it had been up to him. She was gone lock, stock and credentials before Culver was sworn in. Are you going to talk about Ricky firing a "black staffer"? Of course not, because stirring up racial discord against Republicans and especially Culver is what you're all about.

    Now the Daily Trash is trying to say Culver never refuted firing her by running an article from December 10, 2014. Really? I thought personnel matters were supposed to be confidential. Maybe Culver didn't see the need to rehash that. The paper certainly was attacking him right from the beginning on every move he was making. Their liberal bias and the opinions of Hawkins have made the paper unreadable.

    March 2, 2016 at 3:22 PM

    If you had been following her FB page it was obvious that the 900 LB Gorilla let her go after the election, one because she had to much knowledge of his corruption. He had also made some serious negative comments on her FB page about the new administration which has a few of the Party Republican!

  70. Joe I agree with you that John Cannon is a loser who pretty much identifies with the Left Wing Nuts. I have been watching the County Council Meetings and I am appalled that John Cannon, the President of the County Council allowed those Tree Hugging agitators from out of Wicomico County and out of State who were allowed to Bully the Poultry Industry, Farmers and even the County Council members. John Cannon is the President and he has the authority to shut the speakers down when their time is up. He has no balls and that is proof that he is on their side. John Cannon has got to go. Memo to the County Council. Please do not put him or Matt Holloway in as the Council President and Vice President again. They are both in these positions for self gain. Don't forget Matt Holloway's future as a Marijuana Drug Kingpin due to his position where he is set to make millions!

  71. Anonymous said...
    Dose anyone actually read the Times anymore?

    March 2, 2016 at 4:43 PM

    Nope, but it is great to follow up on the garbage they are pushing on us.

  72. Anonymous said...

    I would love to see him replaced by a black person (whom I'm sure would be more qualified), and listen to him whine then.

    March 2, 2016 at 4:25 PM



  73. Tell Hawkins who obviously wishes he's been born black to take a walk down Booth St. or Church St. about 9 o'clock at night by himself. After about 10 minutes he's be shitting his pants, sucking his thumb and crying "Mommy". What a pathetic idiot who doesnt have a clue. Get on the same train out of town as Sharpton you lying sack of crap !!

  74. What a JOKE said...
    He is a Leftist Democrat Voter....

    They are Anti-Gunners too and he hangs out with the Peace in the Park crowd in the Fall in the Salisbury Park every year where they BEAT ON DRUMS AND HUM...


    Pot Smoking Whacks!!!!

    March 2, 2016 at 7:32 PM

    The party of the lying Josh Hastings. Isn't Hastings still the president of the Democrat club?

  75. Anonymous said...
    What needs to be clear is that Culver is not making his decisions based on race as this wing nut implies. Thank goodness Culver is making decisions based on whether we can afford it or not. I for one cannot afford another penny in taxes to pay for all the liberal giveaways including replacing schools because the BOE doesn't take care of them.

    March 2, 2016 at 7:52 PM

    That is the biggest problem with the BOE is that they have refused to take care of the schools. Do you let your home get run down then demand your employer pay you to tear it down and build you a new one because of your neglect. Hell no, if your house falls down, it's tough luck. The parents of these little thugs that we are baby sitting needs to quit being fooled by these idiot and demand that the BOE take care of OUR schools. They should be lasting for 200 years with proper renovations.

  76. I have met and worked with Gains Hawkins. This blog will not allow me to fully express with proper adjuectives how bad this %@#&^! is and that is pretty damn bad.

  77. "Locally, a study a couple years ago found more than three times as many black residents as white were arrested in Wicomico County."

    I have seen that statistic, and here's another: More than six times as many black county residents commit crimes that lead to arrest.

  78. The Daily Times had better wake up. They are too liberal and naive to realize that the average working American as had a belly full of political correctness and cover up bullshit. Nobody thought Norman Conway would be sitting at home twiddling his thumbs either. And the numbers show that if Democrats could have voted for Republicans in the Oklahoma primary, Trump would have won there too. There are many very upset Democrats out there as well who are looking for a relief from a runaway entitlement Government that are milking them dry. Many years and trillions of dollars in 401Ks and other investments are gone yet Obama still advertises food stamps in Mexico, gives Social Security to illegals who have never paid into the system and continues to import Muslims against the will of the American people.

  79. As soon as he supported any part or actions of BLM he was done!
    I must be racist because ALL LIVES MATTER.
    OOOPs sorry for the racial slur lol

  80. I honestly feel sorry for the man. My thought is that when his IQ reaches 50, he should sell. However people like him make Sby News more entertaining and fun to participate in. Folks are not allowed this kind of input in the Daily Times. If you want the truth, come here and listen to the real people not the MSM.

  81. Poor Hawkins was at least Pollitt's 3rd choice for his campaign. No one else would do the job.

  82. Well hell, and he failed at that too. 11:41

  83. Hawkins was NOT anybody's campaign manager. Facts, please.

  84. If he wasn't Pollitt's campaign manager. Who was?

  85. Hawkins was Pollitt's campaign treasurer. It appears he's embarrassed that he is being called out as a total failure at all he does. Check out March 5 at 9:29am. The Daily Times and Susan Parker is right there with him. Very disappointed that Ted Shockley appears to only publish racial lies too.

  86. He is from the Party of Josh Hastings. No wonder the Democrat Party is nothing but a Freak Show with the likes of Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Obama, O'Malley, Bernie and Hillary. Bunch of freaking weirdos!!

  87. Gains knows a lot about nothing, and yes, we the people are damn sick and tired of all the political correctness..

  88. Anonymous said...
    The executive has done a good job. But there is still plenty of liberal department heads that cater to the insubordinate blacks who will cry the race card at the drop of a hat.

    March 2, 2016 at 5:43 PM

    I agree, get rid of them. Culver needs to stop hiring or keeping someone who wears a skirt. Bad move on his part. Other than that keep up the good work.

  89. Race baiting now days should immediately red flag any candidate. No more divisiveness is needed in Politics. We've all had enough of this nonsense. It's time to get out of 1865 and into 2016. People like this are only setting clocks back 50 years unnecessarily. Get out of the 60s, kids. Start working on REAL issues like fixing economies instead of wallowing in the social pop culture malarkey. Race baiting never produces jobs and just yields nonsense.

  90. 1.08
    The ones i see do not wear skirts they were pants and shorts almost on the ground.
    Phone in one hand and a smoke in the other.

  91. Anonymous said...
    The ones i see do not wear skirts they were pants and shorts almost on the ground.
    Phone in one hand and a smoke in the other.

    March 6, 2016 at 4:19 PM

    They were talking about Department heads. Pay attention please.

  92. "Party of Josh Hastings"

    BAH HA HA HA HA HA!! Is that lying progressive clown still around. Last I heard he was the president of the Wicomico County Democrat Circus. Is he still their president?

  93. I work in retail where we sell The Daily Times aka The Daily Lies.... They continue to lose sales. You should see how many papers are left the next morning that we throw away! They can't last much longer!

  94. Susan Parker is a deterrent to facts. Her agenda is to promote the democrat party at the expense of the American people.

  95. Speaking of Susan Parker, I am a member of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church and she attends there occasionally. I try my best to make sure I am not sitting with the racist loud mouth. Shame on the Pastors at St. Francis for allowing her to be a parishioner.

  96. 10:39 aren't churches the place for sinners? So he who is without sin, let them cast the first stone. Think about it.

  97. 5:43 agree start with HR.

  98. I only hope Gannett realizes one of their biggest problems with their distribution is Susan Parker. We the people in the community are so tired of her tainting the opinions of us. I just wonder how many letters haven't been published because they didn't fit with her views. It is simply wrong.

  99. If the truth be told, more whites than blacks are accessing programs for assistance and food banks. The city of Salisbury removed all minorities from all positions of power and Jake Day recently praised Jim Ireton for the all white, under qualified leadership team. Racism is indeed alive and well in Salisbury and Wicomico County.


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