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Saturday, March 12, 2016

FBI Instructs High Schools to Inform On “Anti-government” Students

Constitutionalists figure prominently on the target list

A new FBI initiative based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs.

“High school students are ideal targets for recruitment by violent extremists seeking support for their radical ideologies, foreign fighter networks, or conducting acts of targeted violence within our borders. High schools must remain vigilant in educating their students about catalysts that drive violent extremism and the potential consequences of embracing extremist belief,” states an unclassified document released in January by the FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement, the agency’s primary liaison for the law enforcement community.

The document claims public school educators “are in a unique position to affect change, impart affirmative messaging, or facilitate intervention activities,” including informing on students. It calls for “observing and assessing concerning behaviors and communications” of students “embracing extremist ideologies.”

In addition to “designated foreign terrorist organizations,” the FBI program targets “domestic violent extremism movements,” including anti-government groups.

According to the FBI “some adults embrace domestic violent extremist ideologies [and] their beliefs can permeate family norms, oftentimes influencing their children. This dynamic fosters biases leading to hatred and intolerance, and drives the need for action.”

More here


  1. Its ok you didnt do anything wrong so why worry...NOT!!look this is our worst nightmare. Utter evil pure friggin Hilter playbook. But hey its for the kids and the i didnt do anything crowd.

  2. I work for the government. I have been told, If you hear something, see something, or read something, report it right away!

    I think it is beyond George Orwell's 1984.
    The school's do this now, when they ask students to keep a journal. They want to know what you are thinking and what your parents may be thinking. Just like East Germany after the communist takeover, children were told to monitor their parents and turn them in if they say something against the government or authorities.
    This is Obama's America right now!

    I was called in to a conference when my son wrote in his journal what he though of white history month. I was told there is no free speech in the school system. This was at Salisbury Middle in 2008.

    I have learned to keep my opinions to my self at work because my supervisors have been trained to listen for subversive behavior. Even at home with today's smart TV's and devices, you can be monitored. My Samsung tv has this feature for the voice assistant. I learned how to turn this off. Video camera as well.

    The government know the population is fed up and is very angry. They want to know who these individuals are and deal with them.
    This is not paranoia but fact.
    The Blogs and alternative news sources on the internet are the last forms of free speech we have left. The government is working hard to limit this. Matt Drudge was warned by a Supreme Court justice that he might be shut down soon. I believe this was Scalia. He is now dead!

  3. Fink on your friends!
    The government dividing the people.....

  4. The education departments/schools etc. need to make sure that the teachers are not pushing Islamic agendas. This is America, and students should not be intimidated/punished for such things. Also, the pledge should said every day as this is the "United States of America". All students need to learn more history. If you choose to be here, you do not have the right to object.

  5. The gubmint parasites are aware their time has come!

  6. Thank you GW Bush & Dick Cheney. Also a big thanks to, Tom Daschle & Mike Oxley & James Sensenbrenner & the rest of the 107th Congress.
    Thank you all for making us all terrorists and ushering in the age of American fascism. And, least we forget BH Obama & this Congress for extending the 'sundown' and expiring provisions in the USA-PATRIOT ACT.
    The point here is that the established politicians, all of them, have done this to us folks. It IS time for change., by any means necessary.


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