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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Exit Polls: 6 of 10 Republicans in Michigan Want Muslim Ban…

Michigan has one of the largest Muslim populations of any state, yet 6 out of 10 Republicans in the state favored a temporary ban on Muslim visitors to the United States, according to early exit poll results from CNN.

The proposal — championed by Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump — was even more popular in Mississippi, where 7 out of 10 Republicans favored a ban on Muslim travel. Those proportions match the range of responses among the states that voted a week ago on Tuesday, ranging from 64% (Virginia) to Alabama (78%).



  1. Not a Republican but I agree.

  2. Yes and there breeding terror but Obama couldn't care less.

  3. "They're", 6:50, get a dictionary/ thesaurus! It's online and easy. While you're there, look at "To, too, and two". Using the completely wrong words in sentences makes them very difficult to understand.

  4. I want to pay less taxes. Wonder which one is more likely to happen?

  5. 642 do you honestly think there is two party's? Or just agenda? Absolute power and money seems to be the bottom lines.


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