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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Driver Ticketed After Police See Facebook Video Of Him Ignoring A Stop Sign

A man in Colorado recently received a traffic ticket for blowing through a Stop sign — not because a police officer witnessed the violation in person, but because the driver posted video of the incident on Facebook.

CBS Denver reports that the driver made the video to demonstrate how he avoids traffic in his area by cutting through the parking lot of an apartment complex.

(We’re not sure why exactly you’d want to share that information with the world, as it could only result in more people using that shortcut, thereby increasing the traffic on your previously secret route, but oh well.)



  1. So there it is, My answer has come...

    I often talked about the soon to be thousands of drones flying in our skies, and you all laugh it up and seem to love being spied on... I also warned you, what would stop the police with drones flying over recording everything and anything, then come back not necessarily days late but it could be years later, when someone watches the video, and then come and lock you up for something that happened years later than when they saw the video, what about statue of limitations???

    What if they record you giving a aspirin to someone for a headache, will they come and ticket you, or lock you up for drug dealing?????

    Well if they can come days and months later to get you over a Facebook ticket, which this shows they spy on you with, they can certainly and will most likely come after you years later with drone footage...

    Oh but you love to be spied on and you love to be recorded, remember you have nothing to hide right??? So what is to worry about right???

    Wait until that drone is flying in your window or hovering over your house peeking into your windows... What if they could leave them there UNTIL they record you doing something bad, would that be harassment?

    EVERYTHING MADE FOR GOOD IS ALWAYS USED FOR EVIL, yet you all love it and want more of EVIL...

  2. 8:31:

    There's a big difference between telling on your yourself doing dumb stuff, and someone else observing you doing dumb stuff. One is just a complete idiot when they brag about doing illegal activities. Duh...

  3. Yet no one tickets the cops when we put them on Youtube doing illegal stuff.


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