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Friday, March 11, 2016

Donald Trump, The Next President of the United States

Here's a picture where Trump's speech is going over loudspeaker for the people who couldn't get into the event due to capacity limits.


  1. just think of the size of his inauguration speech!

    1. Bet black lives matter crowd won't be there lol.

  2. And the establishment thinks we want more of them,HA!

  3. Trump is a self-centered, self-serving bigot and will be a national embarrassment if every elected POTUS.

  4. Be careful there 4:53pm...if a time machine whisked us back 50 years, I'd think you'd be describing LBJ (Democrat)....

  5. I bet the ratings for the State of the Union will jump 30 percent!

  6. oh man i hope so so much.

  7. Donald Trump isn't "self centered." He's confident. You people have been so brainwashed to hate successful people that it's pathetic. He also tells the truth and you people hate the truth so twist the truth into he's being a "bigot" or a racist.

  8. Half of these folks are there to protest.

  9. How anyone can vote for him is beyond me. It shows how much hate there is in the United Stares. This country is going in the wrong direction

  10. Here's the thing. Trump is not bought and paid for like the rest of the slime. He doesn't answer to the Super PACS and lobbyists like the meat puppets from both parties. He's his own man which is what terrifies both parties the most.

  11. "Be careful there 4:53pm...if a time machine whisked us back 50 years, I'd think you'd be describing LBJ (Democrat)...."

    No argument there. We'll never know the full extent of the damage done to this country by LBJ. He was a lot like Trump.


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