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Saturday, March 26, 2016

DNC Chair Squirms When Asked This About the FBI

No matter how bad your day may be, at least you don’t have to answer whether your presumptive presidential nominee should cooperate with the FBI’s criminal probe of her.

So be glad you’re not Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who found herself caught on national television between Hillary Clinton and federal law enforcement.

The Washington Examiner reports:

"Those are questions you'd have to ask each of Hillary Clinton and anyone associated with Hillary Clinton," Schultz said when asked about the possibility on Fox Business. "I'm doing my job as a member of Congress, first and foremost, representing my district, and making sure we can get ready while this primary is unfolding, to make sure we can launch our nominee from Philadelphia," she said, referencing the site of the upcoming Democratic national convention.
Schultz conveniently neglected to mention she is also Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and is the person in charge of coordinating a billion-dollar nationwide effort to elect Hillary Clinton president.

Source: AAN

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