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Saturday, March 05, 2016

Democrats, Independents Sign Up with GOP to Vote in Primaries

More than 240,000 new Democrats and independents showed up to vote in Virginia’s Republican presidential primary this week — the tip of a massive shift as all the enthusiasm and interest are moving to the GOP.

The numbers are staggering in other big states as well: More than 535,000 new Democrats and independents in Texas, 175,000 in Georgia, 172,000 in Tennessee and 143,000 in Alabama, according to a Washington Times analysis of exit polling that compared this year’s election with the 2008 race, the last time both parties had a contested primary.

Donald Trump, the iconoclastic Republican front-runner, says it’s all his doing.

“We have expanded the Republican Party,” the billionaire businessman declared Tuesday night, as results showed Republicans demolishing record after record in primary turnout. “They’re longtime Democrats and they were never going to switch, and they all switched. And they were independents. And we’ve actually expanded the party.”

Exit polling shows Mr. Trump has indeed helped build up the party this year, with nearly 10 million people casting ballots in the 15 primaries and caucuses so far, about 4 million more than voted in the same Republican races in 2008.



  1. Trump can't win without the Republicans. So far, the best he has mustered is 35 % of the Republican votes in any primary. Won't fare well in a general election, as the democrats will vote lock-step for Hilliary.

  2. I tend to disagree with you 1:08pm.
    Joe's got a video posted down there where a young Sanders voter claims Trump is his 2nd choice. He sounds quite anti-establishment, anti-Hildabeast. He feels many of his piers feel the same way and will vote Trump in the general election should HC get the jackass party's nod.


  3. 1:08 - Sounds like you believe, like the dug in, lobbyist driven party leaders, those supporting Trump in overwhelming numbers are a bunch of idiots and if those idiots don't back down and do as they're told, then the only way to continue getting the bribe money is to openly support a candidate know to be dishonest, unintelligent, deceitful, and has never accomplished a single thing in her life. That position precisely explains why Trump is getting so much support.

    The GOP power brokers put up the useless do nothing Romney in 2012 to put Barry O in for a second term. People were so fed up with a do nothing Congress the GOP got total control - and still nothing has gotten done. If Trump gets half the Republicans and all the angry Democratic and Independent switch overs he'll have a landslide and the do nothing GOP brokers will watch their system implode. That would be a big blessing and will allow the people to take the Country back and make the USofA respected again.

  4. It won't surprise me if we find that many of these Democrats switched to vote for Trump because they know he won't beat Hillary!

  5. I think you're exactly right, 4:55. That's what they've often done in the past.


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