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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Delegate Anderton Presents Bill To Bring $1 Million To Wicomico County

Presented my disparity grant bill (hb1395) this evening in the House Appropriations Committee. The bill would restore funding to previous levels, which would mean a $1 million increase in funding for Wicomico County in 2018 and $2 million in 2019.


  1. Now they can waste even more tax payer money. Does any politician actually want to try to cut spending?

  2. 9:02 How is all that cutting helping with the infrastructure problems that need to be addressed?

  3. Wicomico residents wouldn't need a disparity grant if we had our own separate State. Anderton doesn't seem to get it - Disparity Grants is nothing more than State welfare. The best way to a sound financial foundation is to first have a robust economy. That includes ingredients like sustained growth, reduction in regulatory barriers - and only then can a 'rising tide raise all ships'.

    Anderton - you are starting to wear on me - as you are starting to look like the same old cartel that was in the State House previously. You had better wise up or you'll find yourself on the whipping post, very soon.


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