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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

DC Mayor’s New Plans For The Homeless Spark Outrage

Plans by officials in Washington, D.C., for new homeless shelters are drawing the ire of residents and local communities who feel they were cut out of a process that lacked transparency.

Mayor Muriel Bowser first discussed her plans to fight homelessness in the Fall, but released her detailed plan to the council Feb. 9. The mayor wants to close D.C. General Hospital, which has functioned as the de facto homeless shelter since the old one’s closing. It’s regularly under criticism for deplorable conditions.

Bowser instead wants to establish eight new homeless facilities with improved services in each of the District’s eight wards.

“What we have all agreed and has been well chronicled by all of you [press] the deficiencies at D.C. General a former hospital that was not meant to properly service families and get them on the pathway to permanent housing,” Bowser said at a press conference February 9. “We think that smaller dignified housing with the appropriate wrap-around services will launch people into sustainable housing.”



  1. We need to do what Mexico is doing with it's people problems, ship our homeless across the boarder to the Mexicans. They will be housed and fed and out of our hair.

  2. Build (or leave) it and they will come. It's amazing that Obama, less than 5 miles away, has not addressed this directly, given that Obamacare is such a success, albeit one that needs such a level of intensive care.

  3. The mentality of this country is overwhelming. What's the point in this band aid?? If your not going to address the issue of mental health and drug epidemic your just flushing money down the toilet.


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