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Monday, March 07, 2016

Cruz: Media Sitting on Bombshells About Donald Trump

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) said on Sunday that the media is sitting on explosive negative information about front-runner Donald Trump with plans to run it later in the year to tear the candidate apart.

"I think an awful lot of reporters — I can't tell you how many media outlets I hear, you know, have this great exposé on Donald, on different aspects of his business dealings or his past, but they said, 'You know what? We're going to hold it to June or July,'" Cruz said on CBS's "Face The Nation" Sunday.

"We're not going to run it now."

Cruz said the media has given the front-runner "hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising." Every press conference Trump has is shown on every television station, he said, noting the media helped create this "phenomenon."

"And all of the attacks on Donald that the media is not talking about now, you'd better believe come September, October, November — if he were the nominee — every day on the nightly news would be taking Donald apart," he said.

Cruz called out the media, saying one of the reasons they want Trump to be the eventual nominee is because they know he can't beat Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.

More here


  1. Well, hey, Mr. Cruz. Let's have it out now, when the man has a chance of defending himself! You have it, then bring it!


    Cruz is a loser when this approach is decided upon as a "strategy".

    Another reason to vote Trump!

  2. A bombshell is a bombshell no matter what the timing.

  3. BS is BS no matter what the timing? ??

  4. This is just a lawyer posturing nothing more. Cruz likes to start these little fires because he's part of the establishment and he knows it. I have dug up so much on this guy it's ridiculous. The church he belongs to is a cult. Seven Mountain. Who the heck has heard about that place? And the pastor he's been speaking for, Kevin Swanson, calls for mass executions of gay people. Fundies are always scary folks. These people picket gay weddings and other insane activities that does nothing but yield nonsense.

    Additionally, in a speech at The Heritage Foundation, he herald Jesse Helms as his hero? Seriously? The guy was completely against Civil Rights and filibustered for 16 days in opposition of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday becoming a National Banking Holiday? Used ads that demonize minorities and Affirmative Action to continue his reign in the Senate. North Carolina probably has still living this cat down but in his speech, Cruz said there should be a hundred more like him in Senate.

    The guy is a pot stirrer with nothing in the pot. Nothing more.

  5. And this is exactly what has turned me off on politics. But at the same time, it has made me very pro-Trump.
    So many of these attacks have absolutely NOTHING to do with being the leader of this country. It's no wonder why quality people do not want to get into politics anymore.
    EVERYBODY has something in their past that they would probably not want aired in public. Trump does too. Probably lots! The difference is the fact that he accepts it and won't cave to this "gotcha" crap.
    I - we - need a leader to run this country.
    I could care less if the guy smoked dope in college; hired illegal aliens to keep his business running, or anything else that has nothing to do with being a leader.
    This country has very quickly became a third-class, third world country. It has to stop.

  6. Rest assured 10:11PM, there are no dope smoking moments in Trump's past. The illegals were hired by subcontractors not Trump directly. The real deal is, Trump is the least flawed compared to the other two. He doesn't have any problems with his taxes either - much to Romney's chagrin when that comes about. The only problem with Trump is he vows to go into DC and clean up the fraud/waste as well as look out for us not the donor class. That's the only true flaw that scares them to death. It also scares Hillary along with the fact that he probably has a lot of dirt on her. Think about it - many conversations have surely transpired over the years with his association with her. Not all good.

    As for the wonderful world of lies a la' Cruz. Yes, while Hillary did get contributions from Trump, what Cruz fails to mention is he got a refund from her campaign for all the money he donated. LOL Cruz doesn't see that as a convenient truth that fits his fable so he leaves it out.

  7. I'm voting for trump could careless what they are doing. He is not a career politician that's good enough for me.


  8. Without advocating any particular Republican candidate in this post, it is just common sense that the MSM and Clintons will have whatever negative info about the Republican nominee they can find. Even if it was failing to floss after brushing. And they will put it out there after the nominating convention when the ticket has been finalized.

    So if there are skeletons in any of their closets better to find out now so primary voters can take it into consideration.

    Back to our regularly scheduled food fight, er, primary contests.


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