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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chinese Make STUNNING Statement That Proves Trump Was Right All Along

Aside from talk of a border wall and immigration, a key component of billionaire businessman Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been a frank discussion of the U.S. trade imbalance with China.

Trump has repeatedly exposed Chines currency manipulation, which can at times play havoc with our own economy, and has decried the American tax policies that seemingly chase jobs out of the United States and into China and other foreign markets.

He has also spoken at length about bringing those jobs back to America and fueling a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing to bolster the economy and level the global market playing field, a highly popular notion with not just Americans, but the Chinese as well, according to Forbes.


1 comment:

  1. Shortsightedness reigns world wide.A trade balance would benefit everyone involved.


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