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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

China's Extraterrestrial Goals Prompt US Ire

China plans to initiate 20 space missions this year including the testing of its most sophisticated rocket and the launching of a habitual space module. But security analysts in the US are expressing suspicions they have military implications.

China is already testing surface-to-air missiles that could strike targets in orbit and it’s also working with experimental lasers that can scramble or “blind” satellites. But as China keeps looking up to space, it’s raising some concern down below. Particularly from the US, according to China Cheat Sheets.

#ChinaSpaceProgram raises #security concernhttps://t.co/w4GO7o6RkL pic.twitter.com/6zcDtVnyun
— China Cheat Sheets (@ChinaCheatSheet) March 19, 2016

​The United States is already at odds with Beijing over cyber-warfare accusations and China’s militarization in the South China Sea. Now, security officials are worried that China’s armament might spread to outer space, home to US satellites vital to American interests.

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1 comment:

  1. And all because the Clinton Administration sold our military secrets to the Chinese.


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