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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chicagoland (Political) Thuggery Masks Far Left’s Fear


There are two competing narratives coming from the debacle that was GOP frontrunner Donald Trump‘s visit to Chicago on Friday evening – in which liberal activists stormed an arena where Trump was scheduled to speech and clashed (at times violently) with his supporters and with police.

The ensuing chaos prompted Trump to cancel his event.

The first narrative? That Trump had this coming … that he has been egging on protesters for months and finally got what he deserved. This view is being advanced (shocker) by the liberal Washington Post, which gleefully rejoiced in Trump’s rude reception in the windy city.

“For months, Trump has been able to control – and often use to his advantage – the hundreds of protesters who show up to his rallies to oppose rhetoric they consider divisive, racist and hateful,” reporter Jenna Johnson noted. “In the past two weeks, these interruptions have increasingly eaten away at Trump’s speaking time and have often become violent, with police in North Carolina charging a Trump supporter who punched a protester at a rally on Wednesday.”

The second narrative being advanced is that the liberal activist horde – which included avowed communist and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers – denied Trump his First Amendment rights.

“Liberals love the first amendment until you say something they don’t agree with,” Trump’s son tweeted in the aftermath of the melee.


1 comment:

  1. The protesters are being paid to protest by George Soros.


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