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Sunday, March 13, 2016

BREAKING: Did This GOP Candidate Just Promise Amnesty?

Is John Kasich going to give amnesty to all illegal aliens? Watch his interview with Chris Wallace and tell us what you think. Source: AAN


  1. Even mentioning Amnesty is the kiss of death for any candidate to the right of the HildaBeast!

    Wasn't planning to vote for him in the first place - now I might just contribute to someone else - again!

  2. 7:18 I am 67. I have worked (and am STILL working) since I was 15 and paid into the social security system for all those years. Now Kasich wants to come along and take my social security payments and give them to those who will not work, hate work, and don't participate in it. So I am supposed to take all that money I EARNED and give it back to lazy, EBT card, system sucking nobodies that never work? I don't think so. No Kasich for me - EVER.

  3. 7:45 - that makes you a better candidate than Kasich.....

    Signed - 7:18!

  4. There isn't a need to reform immigration. I had a friend last year become a citizen,the only requirement was a 10 guestion test (very basic guestion with study guide supplied)$580 and an oath.If that's to much to ask then go back! Most people don't realize how easy it is and the politicians are stacking votes!

  5. Yes he did and if you have conservative friends in Ohio please tell them to vote TRUMP!!


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