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Sunday, March 27, 2016


If Trump wins the election, BLM has more violence planned

What’s the more appropriate phrase: black lives matter, or all lives matter?

Obviously all lives matter, but Black Lives Matter (BLM) maintains its slogan is designed to draw attention to the fact that people don’t think their lives matter – but isn’t saying other lives don’t matter; just that theirs matter a little bit more.

Actions speak louder than words, and the violent rhetoric BLM spews makes it hard to believe such a defense. Whether it be advocating for the murder of police, or racial segregation, BLM seems intent on reversing the Civil Rights movement, not launching a new one.

We saw BLM protesters (among many other leftist groups) shut down a Trump rally in Chicago last week, with violence then breaking out. Protesters shattered the windows of cars with Trump stickers, and assaulted police.



  1. 11:52 don't be so ignorant like you or anyone else can't see where this whole movement and this nation is headed. The racism in this country is about to boil over on both sides

  2. 11:52 don't be so ignorant like you or anyone else can't see where this whole movement and this nation is headed. The racism in this country is about to boil over on both sides

  3. 11:52, for what ever is needed. Trump 2016 map

  4. they r afraid they will have to look for a job when trump is elected which would leave less time for them to riot and play the lottery

  5. Dear 11:52
    It's now time for the white lives matter , this could be the straw that broke the camels back. Black lives matter is nothing more than a host of ignorant , none working , lawless thugs that only do what they are told . They will be the beginning of this civil uprising that I hope takes place . The need to be terminated.

  6. If they're declaring war - I'm ready for open season too!

  7. Bring it on. This is what we've been stocking up for!

  8. Pleaseeeeeeee
    Bring it ON.

  9. They think that threatening us with violence will stop us from voting for Trump? These people are violent every day as it is! Trump will be our battle cry to stomp these people out!

  10. "Civil rights" is definitely a term that is outdated. What they mean is we want everything for nothing because we are owed and we want it now or else.

    I hate to say this but, enough is enough...bring it

  11. BLM is just a new version of the black panthers.

  12. Come now folks, lets realize what this really is about. This is a movement by the left to promote racial divide. Race relations in our country is not as bad as the media or liberals would like us to think.This is merely an exercise in divide and conquer to preserve their own existence and current hold on power. Don't buy into this and get your feathers ruffled. The large majorities of both races desire a peaceful co-existence. This is merely a show to confirm their fear of a non government candidate

  13. BLM 2000 welfare idiots I say bring it on Already.

  14. White people need to organize.

  15. Black Lives will matter when the slugs that leech off of the welfare system and entitlement programs decide to become contributing members of this society. This is not directed at those many folks I have known over the years that were 'busting their butts' to make their life better....It is directed at the guy who came out of Skipjack's Seafood the other day with a bushel of steaming crabs, crowing out 'I got me some Obama crabs'. That is offensive to me

  16. skipjacks is great, but would be out of business without the welfare crowd, they are the only ones who can "afford" jumbo crabs and lobster. the welfare crowd sure are the lucky ones. no need to even look for work, checks just keep on coming

  17. I took a picture of a low budget Easter basket filled with the lowest quality of trash candy and gimmicks, in a Dollar General a few days ago...it had a big brightly colored sticker announcing it was "EBT Qualified!" Wish I could post it here.


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