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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Bishop Urges Blacks To Oppose ‘Anti-Christian’ Democrat Party

The president of Ministers Taking a Stand – a national organization of Pastors and Christian leaders addressing moral and spiritual issues in American culture – is calling on the black community to sever its relationship with the “anti-Christian” Democrat Party as the 2016 election looms.

Bishop E.W. Jackson says that black Christians should not continue its relationship with a Democrat Party that is increasingly hostile to Christianity.

“Four years ago I released a video called EXODUS NOW, calling black Christians to come out of the Democrat Party,” Jackson says in the video. “When I did that video there was no gay marriage. Now we have it, and the Democrat Party is mainly responsible. I am back to say once again, come out!”

Jackson – a graduate of both Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School – urges black voters to oppose Democrats on the issues of marriage and abortion.

“Why has the Democrat Party embraced gay marriage when black voters believe in the biblical definition of marriage?” he asks. “Why does the Democrat Party avidly support Planned Parenthood when they know its founder, Margaret Sanger, was a racist eugenicist who wanted to stop the growth of the black population?”

Last summer, Jackson led a campaign to have a bust of Margaret Sanger removed from the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution.

The bishop also dismisses the claims by many in the black community that Democrats have helped minorities and the poor:


  1. He gets it.
    Eventually Truth will eclipse Tradition.

  2. I have never understood how any Biblical Christian could be a registered Democrat. Everything the Democratic party stands for is against Biblical teachings. When I pose this question to anyone all I get is a shoulder shrug.
    I am not to start any conflict on this issue, just my thoughts. Take it or leave it.

  3. He is absolutely correct. If you support Obama and the democrats don't even bother going to church because it's going to do you no good and you are still going to hell come judgement day. God is very angry with all these fake Christians and that is why the city streets are wrought with poverty, crime and suffering. It's not an accident or the doing of whites or the upper class, it's God's punishment. This needs to be accepted and they need to get back to Him in a real way and improvement will be forthcoming.

  4. He's an informed man, it's time to unmask the Democrat party.

  5. It has Always bothered me that so called Dems who believe in Christianity believe in Abortion?
    Hypocrisy at work.

  6. Christians don't vote in political contests.

  7. When you paint a whole group with the same brush you lose all credibility.

  8. They vote for democrats because that's where the free stuff comes from.


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