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Monday, March 07, 2016

Bill Would Change Furniture-Buying Rules For Governors

ANNAPOLIS (AP) -- Maryland lawmakers are scheduled to vote on a bill that would prevent departing governors from buying furniture from the executive mansion at a discount.

The bipartisan measure is scheduled for a vote Friday in the House of Delegates.

The bill was filed after former Gov. Martin O'Malley and his wife paid nearly $10,000 before he left office last year for 54 pieces of furniture that initially cost taxpayers about $62,000 eight years earlier. The Maryland Department of General Services sold the furniture after the pieces were declared "junk."


1 comment:

  1. How about not just furniture, but everything in the mansion, like paintings, sculpture, silverware, etc., etc. You can take the towels and little soap bars, but leave everything else, because it's OURS, not yours.


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