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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bias alert: 94% of news reports blame Trump — not protesters — for campaign violence

Their bias is showing: All three major broadcast networks immediately homed in on the violence during Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign rallies last weekend, to the exclusion of almost everything else.

An analysis by the Media Research Center detects agenda: “ABC, CBS and NBC news coverage found that the left-wing protesters who forced the cancellation of a presidential campaign event escaped nearly all blame, as reporters dumped 94 percent of the blame on Trump and his campaign,” the conservative watchdog group reports.

Analysts Mike Ciandella, Scott Whitlock and Kyle Drennen pored over morning and evening coverage on the three networks from Saturday morning through Monday morning — 45 segments, and almost 85 minutes of airtime. Here is what they found: Reporters criticized Mr. Trump’s campaign over the incidents 46 times. They blamed the protesters only three times, the study found.

“By 15-to-1 margin, the networks blame Trump, not lefties, for campaign violence,” research director Rich Noyes writes in his analysis of their work.



  1. MSM got it wrong again. These protest are from the liberal /Progressive supporters such as Soros.

  2. The Liberals strike again. They are promoting these acts of violence against Trump because he will take away their freebies. Then they will have to work.

  3. Sounds like a group of, "I don't want to work and give me everything for free"


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