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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Baltimore Boy Stops, Prays for Homeless Man

A picture of a boy praying over a sleeping homeless man in Baltimore, Maryland, has gone viral on Facebook.

Jonathan A. Stormz said he watched the young boy walk past the homeless man, who was sleeping on the sidewalk. Stormz pulled out his phone as the boy began to approach the destitute stranger.

Stormz said he could not help but snap a photo as he watched the boy place his hand on the man’s body and begin praying over him.

“This was an amazing sight! I pray this kid becomes a leader amongst his peers, and continues on this path!!” Stormz wrote on his Facebook page. “Not all Baltimore youth are lost!!”



  1. Amen! Great to see our youth praying and reaching out to those less fortunate, Baltimore needs more people like this!

  2. Lord, I pray that you plant in this man's dream today a path for him to succeed in this life soon. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit especially, Amen!

    And that goes for both in the photo.

  3. More locally, some Ocean City bus drivers open up to many people in need. Of course, some are simply looking for a free ride. They learn to recognize those that need vs the phonies. Of course, the Town gives FREE bus service to conference attendees. above all this and complains when ridership from the hotel staff that travels to town don't realize a net profit. Its' simply a viewpoint.

  4. God bless him and the parents who raised him.


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