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Friday, March 18, 2016

Arrest This jackass & Make America Great Again

I love having a jeep sometimes

Posted by Julien Schuessler on Tuesday, March 15, 2016


  1. I thought you meant Hillary, sorry. She's the one to be arrested an put in jail. She can wait there to see how the "election" went...

  2. This is the person you are voting to have as neighbors when you vote for violent Democrats. They cannot hold an intelligent argument or calmly discuss differences in opinions. They are the ones rioting at the other sides' rallies, denying Free Speech to the other side, yet DEMANDING their right to free speech.

    If this is who you want to run our Country, Vote Democrat, because street violence is their sport.

    If you want a LEADER who will enforce the CONSTITUTION, then simply vote for Mr. Trump.

    Ask yourself just who is showing some "class" here in this election drive?

    Maybe not the one under FBI criminal investigation is my best guess.

    Vote Trump,the REAL American Candidate!

  3. Trump all the way!!


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