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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Are You Smart Too?


  1. Well Forest you must not be American because Americans still believe it happened.

    1. Not this American. After reading numerous magazine articles and 100s of websites over the years, IMO this could happen. Especially so because the websites that said this could not happen were (IMO) too far to the right or scare mongrels. Guess the answer to this debacle will never be agreed on by all - but tell me something that is.

  2. I don't need to read anything... I witnessed planes flying into our buildings, and then someone take credit for it. #NoConspiracyTheoriesNeeded

  3. I do not need some stupid report or anything else to prove what I SAW with my own eyes... Buildings do not fall that fast like they did in New York, nor do they fall perfectly into their own foot print as it did, WITHOUT EXPLOSIVES TO HELP... ALSO not one god damn person can tell me, that jet fuel burns hot enough to melt steel, furthermore, to be hot enough that the firefighters couldn't go in and help for days without seeing molten metal like a river... I also know that if one plane can supposedly take out a 100 to 2090 story building, why is the pentagon still even in existence, after all a plane that took out 2 towers perfectly, only took a 25 foot wide hold in the side of a building??? NOT HARDLY...

    I was working that day, and I KNOW FOR A FACT that the first images they displayed on the tv of the pentagon being hit, there was no plane debris... Only after the story have been on tv for a while did you start to see the debris...

    Also lets not forget, the pentagon is supposed to be the most guarded and sophisticated building we have, and it had anti-air missiles and guns that can shoot a wall of bullets in under a second, yet they were not used, WHY???

    Also you are going to tell me, that a plane which hit like on the 70th floor will make the whole building which the bottom half was un affected fall???? NOT HARDLY...

  4. The planes hit below the top floors so that left the area weak and compromised. With the heat and added weight of the top floors on weakened and damaged area, the top floors collapsed and the momentum kept it going all the way down. Basic science and math could tell you that.

  5. There are loads of people that believe Lee Harvey acted alone too.

  6. And I must hope that 10:27 AM isn't one of our Generals by the way he writes

  7. I don't want to believe it, because the implications undermine everything we want to believe about our country. But I have to admit there are a lot of unanswered questions and things that make you go hmmmmm.

  8. it was absolutely an inside job. the Bush administration needed to create another Pearl Harbor, in order to advance their advance their hidden agendas. oil $$, War is big business. Small hole in Pentagon, no plane wreckage, no plane wreckage in PA. either. People just swallow what they are fed.

  9. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth also disagree with the official story and actually have the knowledge and proof to back it up. Over 3000 architects and engineers and growing. So there is no conspiracy other that the one the govt is trying to pass of as the truth. But sheeple never question anything.

  10. it did happen, I watched it happen, and you idiots still believe all these crap theories. move on people, the planes and the planes only took the buildings down, they were like 2 bombs filled with fuel!!!!!

  11. Anonymous said...
    it was absolutely an inside job. the Bush administration needed to create another Pearl Harbor, in order to advance their advance their hidden agendas. oil $$, War is big business. Small hole in Pentagon, no plane wreckage, no plane wreckage in PA. either. People just swallow what they are fed.

    March 18, 2016 at 1:06 PM

    And blame Bush again. No doubt that you voted for Obama and Hillary! Die MF'er!

  12. Anonymous said...
    it did happen, I watched it happen, and you idiots still believe all these crap theories. move on people, the planes and the planes only took the buildings down, they were like 2 bombs filled with fuel!!!!!

    March 18, 2016 at 2:05 PM

    I agree with you. These Obama voters are nothing but idiots!

  13. It was Dick Cheney's idea. He and the republican hierarchy wanted to make "howdy doody" Bush look like a hero and create a reason to invade a country in the Middle East so Cheney's Haliburton could make him 100's of millions of dollars.

  14. Brian Williams was on one of the planes that hit the towers, he was very lucky to have been in the toilet when they hit, so he was able to jump to safety. He said it was a Muslim that worked at a quick shop/gas station, that did it.

  15. 2:05, I totally disagree. Explain how the third building fell
    down all by itself,not having been hit by planes or buildings.

  16. 10:09am, haha if you witnessed that, then you would have also noticed as the buildings were coming down each level was being exploded, hell you can go back and watch videos that show it

  17. I do not believe the reason for building 7 collapse.

  18. omg, the belligerence, stupidity and ignorance run like the Mississippi, here.

    911 was the world's largest gold robbery. Anything else collateral was a bonus. Like the offices in the Pentagon and Building 7 that were investigating international financial crimes. The Answers are out there people. All you gotta do is get off your ignorance high horse and read.

    Also, as pointed out, several times: Jet Fuel does not burn hot enough to melt steel. That is simple science. Even aside from the magical fall onto their own footprint, how did none of the thousands of tons of debris tumble and spill onto the neighbors? Not even the McDondalds next door that served free burgers to the firefighters throughout the day. If you don't have more questions than there are answers, you aren't thinking critically. And if you aren't questioning everything, you are a slave to your dogma.


    It is good to see there are at least a few people thinking critically in your audience Joe. That is at least, a step up.

  19. 1:13-I stood motionless app 300 yards from ground zero while this happened and no one ever questioned me.The responders probably thought I was mentally incapable of answering questions because any sane person would have run like heck even at that distance.I have never commented before on what happened that day,but it happened EXACTLY as you said it did.As the buildings were coming down,each level exploded.It put me in mind of a controlled demolition via strategically placed dynamite charges.I still don't regret standing there like an idiot.


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