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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Anonymous Launches Cyber War Against Trump

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is already dealing with rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich, but he might soon have to deal with another threat: The group of hackers known as Anonymous.

The hacking group is urging its followers to launch a barrage of cyber attacks on April 1 to take down Trump’s websites and expose the “appalling” GOP presidential candidate, The Hill reported Tuesday.

The call was made before Trump won several more states on “Super Tuesday 3”, but that undoubtedly will encourage the hackers even more.

“We need you to shut down his websites, research and expose what he doesn’t want the public to know,” a person wearing the group’s trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a video posted to an Anonymous YouTube channel. “We need you to dismantle his campaign and sabotage his brand.”

In a separate written statement, Anonymous encouraged hackers to target the Trump's websites, and it also released Trump’s alleged personal details, such as his cellphone number and Social Security number, to help hackers harass the Republican presidential front-runner.

“This is not a warning, this is a declaration of total war,” the video says. “Operation Trump engaged.”



  1. Makes sense they would do that. Mouth breathing, forever alone, basement dwellers might have to go find an actual job.

  2. Well, if there is damaging truth to be told, then tell it, instead of hurling grenades.

    Last time I checked this was a democratic republic.

    Did Trump or Saunders achieve political success by legitimate efforts or sabotage?

  3. They said they will take down all who oppose the United States....Hillary you are next!!!

  4. Anonymous is paid for by Soros,also funds more than 1000 extreme groups aimed to collapse America and his largest benefactor the democrat party.

  5. Just shows the are for the establishment they said they wanted to fight.

  6. To declare war on a person means there might be a response and reaction the anonono-mouse children will not like.


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