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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

And Most Of America Haven't Been Happy For Almost Eight Years, Get Over It!


  1. George Soros elected him for 8 years, but in year 7 the American people woke up.

  2. So true, cant wait till his stupid ass is gone!

  3. Its called politics and that POS pulled the same crap when he was a senator. Elections do have consequences and the republicans have control of congress. Sorry you POSPOTUS!

  4. Imagine that Soros is pushing Kasich.

  5. I voted against him in both elections!

    Elections have consequences - let's wait for the next set of consequences - we already know the turds from the last elections!

  6. Joe Biden understands.
    He did the same thing

  7. Interesting how the Dems all have their panties wadded so tight when they in fact passed a law barring SCOTUS appointments during an election. Barry O led the movement.

  8. Wouldn't it be great if there were no politics involved and the replacement would be chosen on his/her following the Constitution. The supreme court has become the supreme joke.


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