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Saturday, March 19, 2016

An amateur metal detector has found an ancient crucifix that could change the history of Christianity

An amateur metal detector has made a discovery that experts think could change our understanding of Christianity in Denmark.

Dennis Fabricius Holm was enjoying an afternoon off work when he found a Birka crucifix pendant in a field near the town of Aunslev, Østfyn.

"I got off early on Friday, so I took just a few hours, I went around with my metal detector and then I came suddenly on something," Mr Holm told DK.

"Since I cleared the mud and saw the jewelry, I have not been able to think of anything else."

On posting the find to social media, other users encouraged him to take it to a museum.

Malene Refshauge Beck, curator and archaeologist at Østfyns Museum, said: "It is an absolutely sensational discovery that is from the first half of the 900s [10th century]."

"There is found an almost identical figure in Sweden, which has been dated to just this period."


1 comment:

  1. This was a great post.90% + who read it could probably care less because it does not question the story of the life of Jesus.The sequence of events between AD 33 and say 1300 or so have never been completely clear where Christianity is concerned.It appears to be slowly coming together with finds like this,but they appear to be found on a certain timetable.God is allowing it to be found a little at a time for reasons that we could not comprehend.


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