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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Administration Official: ‘Our Streets Are Flooded With Heroin’ With Much of It ‘Coming From Mexico’

(CNSNews.com) – An official with the Obama administration said on Tuesday that the “streets are flooded with heroin” in the United States and much of it “is coming from Mexico.”

Mary Lou Leary, deputy director of State, Local and Tribal Affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), spoke at the National League of Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. During a confence-workshop on heroin addiction and prevention, CNSNews.com asked Leary about the need to address border security and drug cartels to combat the opioid crisis.

“I think there’s another issue I’m sure that the chief really appreciates and that is, ‘Where is this heroin coming from?’” Leary said, noting fellow panelist, Pittsburgh Chief of Police Cameron McLay, who spoke about law enforcement’s role battling heroin.



  1. Flowing across a wide open border, unchecked, to where there is lots of demand from idle, irresponsible people, with money to spend because the government gives them all the necessities.

  2. King Obama has his hands all in that Money YO

  3. Obama is destroying all those idiots that voted for him

  4. we can blame This on the Bushes as well as Obama The heroin is coming from Afghanistan, via our pourus border. Since we went back over there and took the heroin trade back from the Taliban. We have had this problem getting allot worse. Kinda makes you go huh??

  5. However the White House signed a bill releasing drug dealers and allowing them to vote!!!

  6. This is nothing new. History continues to repeat itself 60's 70's were the same except now as a society we allow big drug companies to poison the public with their poison and blow this into full epidemic proportion. How do you think all of this gets into our country ?? If you think it's all the cartels your mistaken. Your government has proven it truly could care less about you and when s••• hits the fan they prove such

  7. Coming here on the backs of illegals. One more reason they need to be sent back where they came from. They DO NOT want to become citizens. No matter what you hear hillary and rubio say. They are here for the money and when they have enough they go back. Then another takes their place. They also ruin our economy by sending a lot of the money they make here back where they are from and it is used to finance MORE illegals to come here. Are we going to vote for a President who will enforce our laws, or one that just wants their votes and the hell with Americans?


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