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Friday, March 04, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Dan says 30% chance of snow today

"Does that mean 70% chance 
that it won't snow?"


  1. Yo it be snowin Danny. These weather guys need a little window to the outside world in the broadcast studio to help with weather forecasts.

  2. Is this an old forecast? Looks like it was made Sunday/Monday. I can understand that being inaccurate.

    On the other hand, WBOC today demonstrated that they are completely useless when it comes to weather forecasting. NOAA and NWS were WAAAAY ahead of Dan, per usual.

  3. How can anyone make so many mistakes and still keep their job?
    Surely WBOC knows they have lost credibility with the view public?
    Why are they protecting this guy?
    He could check Accu Weather, or the Weather.com, or the national weather service and be more accurate than his "local" FORECAST!
    I have more faith in them!

  4. Time for Dan to move back home where he can really predict the weather. He is still asleep at the wheel when it comes to forecasting any weather on the eastern shore. Maybe WBOC can get a college class to start doing their weather forecasts as a project, and they probably would be 50 percent better than Dan the Man. The good part is I can always change channels and get better news and weather from another source. WBOC Delaware's News Leader! If it did not happen in Delaware it did not happen.

  5. Anonymous 9:39AM

    Are you kidding me??? Old forecast??? Between Monday, and Thursday evening is only 3 days...Certainly an award winning forecaster such as Dan The Man could achieve a task as simple as this...
    Is your real name DAN? HMMMM>>>


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