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Friday, February 05, 2016

Yeah, Download That Weather App Driven By Horse Crap

Will Dan be moving to Arizona where the weather doesn't really change but maybe 5 times a year? Road conditions are bad because no one was prepared for these conditions in advance, I wonder why?

I am getting reports from drivers saying things are getting really bad out there, especially the bypass. No state trucks have put salt on the roads so it is very slushy and slippery. One person told me they started hydroplaning and the overpasses are very slippery as to be expected. 


  1. Never knew why or how he ended up here any way....I thought Brian did as good as any, then all of a sudden they bring in Dan Dan the weather man.....

  2. So much for CHIEF Meteorologist. Goes to show, it's just a title.

  3. They make anyone chief meteorologist who will take minimum wage.

  4. I'm glad I got new boots for Christmas. Lol. Not only can I walk in the snow with them, but they'll come in handy to wade through all of wbocs deep doo doo.

  5. Give it a rest. You want to know what the weather is.....go outside.

  6. We seem to get all the rejects from other area.
    They are either just out of college in inexperienced or they are semi retired like Dan and come here to Die!!! Their Brain is fried and their mental processed is slow!

  7. Why is a old dude doing the weather no young college idiot's able to get paid.

  8. Salt could not be put down because of the rain first.

    People should slow down A LOT...when there is snow or rain on the road. I'm sure it does not take a meteorologist to tell you that.

    The bypass is very slippery at times even in the rain. Avoid this area if you cannot manage to find another way to get to your destination.

  9. 10:27, Do you mean, like WMDT does?

  10. 10:31 right on. I had absolutely no problem driving in to work this morning. Be patient and drive how the weather permits.

  11. LOL they have a new reporter, he was doing a bit about Dover and turning peoples electric off, so he turns off the light switch to show people what it was like in the dark, with no lights, except his camera had a light.

    It was awful, just awful.

  12. I miss Kettererererer, he was kooky, but he did a good job. He also seemed to genuinely like it here and the people.

  13. He should move to San Diego, where only the temperature changes, and that only in a range of 40 degrees.


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