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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset & Delmar Schools Closed Today 2-5-16


  1. Hey, Dan, do you think it might snow this morning? Go check your popular quadrupler Doppler and get back to us by lunchtime!

  2. According to TV @ 5:30 AM so are Worcester and Somerset. Wicomico sends a Robo when closing. Some of us have to depend on WBOC or WMDT for closings.

    1. The idiot good ole boys are scared of a little snow can you Imagine a REAL EMERGENCY in the county how they would handle it.

  3. Dan said there's be a dusting on the grass but not the roads. Why are they closing schools then.

  4. Misery loves company.

  5. The roads are bad!


  6. Anon 6:52 Because the roads are very slushy maybe! Children in my neighborhood,in Allen, standing on the side of the road at 6:30 this morning was not safe.

  7. 7:22 why would you call someone an idiot over a safety call for the children?

    1. Because he has a sad little life and he's pissed because he still has to go open up for the breakfast shift at McDonalds. If he's miserable everyone else has to follow suit. It's the "bury" way.

    2. or because of the great joys in life, for people without many joys in life, is trashing others (you know like a bully)

      This kind of stickling is the joy of people who otherwise tend to walk around looking as if someone stuck a lemon in their mouths and they didn’t have a very good morning.”

    3. Obviously your a crying liberal.

  8. Teachers get an extended weekend compliments of the taxpayer!

    1. Yes!! Thank you taxpayers, since obviously teachers don't pay taxes! Now I get to lounge around all day in my pajamas, catch up on some shows, heck maybe even go to the mall (spending all that hard working tax payers money) :) What a great way to start our weekend! Thanks again taxpayers!!

  9. But Dan said it wasn't going to be like this!!!!!!
    : (

  10. 7:46, the day will be added to the end of the school year. No one is getting a free day off.

  11. 7:46 not true. they have to make up all snow days.

  12. Another wasted school day!!

  13. Two Things Could Be TrueFebruary 5, 2016 at 8:55 AM

    I called this yesterday. You knew they probably going to close. SNOWFLAKES are good excuses to take the day off.

  14. 746 Yet once again. They do lead a posh life. You'd think they were rock stars. Oh, wait, rock stars work harder than teachers in Wicomico.

  15. 8:31 What an arrogant statement.
    His pathetic little life help to pay the taxes so you can live the good life you arrogant little jerk!!!
    If you think we can continue paying these wages in this economy, you better think twice! You day of reckoning is coming. The push back has started.

  16. Shame it wasn't Monday after the Super Bowl. My kids would love to see the game Live instead of recorded but a 9 and 11 year old can't stay up until 10:30 -11 on a Sunday night.

  17. The sun is out and the roads are cleared. They should have just delayed schools a few hours. What a waste of taxpayer money and a dis service to the students!!!!

  18. Oh to be a teacher for the WCBOE. They get more days off than the banking industry.

  19. You would not survive in the classroom 10:51.

  20. Must be nice, they get the summer off plus professional days, plus every damn state and federal holiday, plus whatever personal days they want! And they still earn more more than most people make in the private sector. And they have the nerve to complain about it and say they still are not getting enough!!!!
    Remember, it is all for the children!!! They have their best interests at heart!!! Total BS!!!!!

    1. It is so nice ;) It's actually pretty great!!

  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Instead of pissing and moaning about how miserable your life is and how your taxes are so mis spent, why don't you go back to school and make yourself into someone who actually tries to make the world a better place.If you think it is so easy and wonderful, go for it. Become a classified employee of WCBOE and work at wages below the poverty level or go back to school, get your degree in what ever academic subject floats your boat. Become certified in teaching, apply for a job, work in a real school with actual real life students. Work towards your masters or 30 credits beyond your original teaching degree, because you will need that ten years after you start teaching. Actually attempt to help someone less fortunate then yourself. Get back to us in about 8 to 10 years and let us know all you have learned about teaching and education grasshopper. At least then you will have a clue about what your talking about as opposed to the ignorant ass you sound like now. We can talk at the beach or maybe even on a snow day! Coming from someone who worked in the private sector, and by the way, employees of the school system do not decide when to close school. That is up to the superintendant know it all!

  22. 1110..what is stoping to you from having to same job?

  23. 9:30 Ok, now I support teachers, but let us venture into reality... Public sector workers get paid with tax dollars, so they aren't really paying taxes, just taking a little less. A mojority of federal, state and local public sector workers are very delinquent on their taxes, making them criminals.

    1. I think the "mojority" of your brain is delinquent

  24. Ah enjoying my day off from teaching today. A nice 3 day weekend. Too bad all you sour apples can't enjoy it. 4 more months and I'll be enjoying the summer off while you're all stuck behind the desk. Also making more money then you and having more time off. Life is good!

  25. 1 00 ihear you life is great cant wait for summer time vacation and getting paid

  26. 1158 your past fantasy comments are always amusing to me. Now I'm scared you were actually a teacher and probably indoctrined your delusional opinion to the impressionable minds of young people. Your self inflated ego makes me physically sick. Thank you.

  27. 3:36
    I totally agree with you. This person is delusional and has no ideal what it is truly like in the private sector.
    Many have college degrees and make far less than the average BOE member. The market place has forced wages and benefits down, while the the public sector, mainly the Administrators, and Educators of the BOE enjoy great benefits and perks and yet they still complain that it isn't enough!!

    When I went to school back in Seventies and early eighties, school wasn't canceled for a dusting of snow. It was almost always a one or two hour delay. We never had fog delays and we didn't have professional days and I grew up here in Salisbury.

    I have never seen the arrogance and the entitlement mentality that today's teachers and the BOE seem to have. It's like we are supposed to serve them, but they are supposed to serve us the taxpayer. If they worked in the private sector, just base on performance, most of them would have been fired. It it was a business, it would have failed long ago!

  28. The superintendent peeks out of the window sees a dusting sends out a text to close the schools rolls back into bed what a Idiot.


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