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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Why Rubio Can’t Win

Now that Chris Christie has crashed, John Kasich has been ghettoized, Scott Walker self-destructed, and nobody bought the idea of Jeb Bush, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men — as well as Fox News — are trying to shove Marco Rubio down the throats of the Republican electorate.

But they’ll never make the sale.

The fundamental fault line that runs through the middle of the Republican and Democratic parties is that which separates the establishment from the true believers. And nobody will cross that line unless there is absolutely no other option.

The basic strategy of the anti-Donald Trump hysterics is to force an amalgamation of the alternatives into a Great White Hope who can take on The Donald. They believe that Trump can only win a plurality and not a majority. Based on that flawed reasoning, they posit that all they have to do is to pick off the alternatives until there is only one remaining opponent to Trump, and they have decided that his name is Rubio.

But the defect in this thesis is that it ignores the fault line. Rand Paul voters didn’t go to Rubio, they went to Ted Cruz; Ben Carson voters would do likewise.

And should Rubio best Cruz and force his de facto withdrawal, his votes would not go to Rubio. They would go right to Trump.



  1. It's sad that it's come to this.So many people making so many promises for so many years and never fulfilling those promises.Then on top of that declaring winners by virtue of delegate and electoral votes.I long for a system where whoever gets the most general election votes wins.No wonder no one trusts the government and wants Trump in the White House.

  2. TRUMP 2016! Watched Rubio last evening and he just does not have what it takes! I would vote for Carson before I would vote for Rubio. But already made my decision to go with The Donald!

  3. marco.................polo

  4. If he's elected, you better hope Trump doesn't switch to siding with liberals again as he's done in the past.
    But the alternative will be Hillary, as Obama and his administration will never prosecute her.

  5. 6:27, Listen to you! I hope Trump does side with Liberals and let me tell you why.

    America is not owned by either party. Take one look at Governor Hogan. If it makes sense, DO IT! He, (and Trump) will do what's right for AMERICA.

    Our country is all screwed up because everything is now black or white.

    America needs a level headed President that can have panoramic vision and NOT bow down to anyone from any party.

    If Trump loses this election it will be the worst mistake this country has ever made.


  6. Trump will get Hillary elected

    Trump is the new Perot


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