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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When You Can't Sell Salisbury Property, Auction It: Part 2

22 Residential Lots in the Sassafras Meadows Subdivision, Salisbury, MD

The Property is believed to consist of 22 residential lots located along Marquis Avenue and Shea Lane in the Sassafras Meadows Subdivision, Phase 2. It is believed that the Property is zoned R-10A, Residential District.
Sale Terms
A deposit in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), payable by certified check or other form acceptable to the Sheriff’s Department of Wicomico County, will be required of the purchaser(s) at the time and place of sale.  The Property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition and without any warranties or representations, either express or implied, as to the nature, condition or description of the improvements.


  1. I do not know much about buying or selling or auctioning homes or lots but what does the Sheriff's office have to do with the sale or auction of a lot or house?

  2. Sheriffs auctions are due to legal action

  3. This was the development that Mike Dunn was involved with when he was on Council and voted to do a pipe stem annexation to so that it would have City services.

  4. dunn sold and cashed out once he got the annex. That was a crooked deal.

  5. From what I know of Dunn he may as well have "I Am A Crooked Dunce" tattooed right across his forehead.

  6. It's another Ruark development


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