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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

West Virginia House Approves Permitless Concealed Gun Bill

West Virginia state house members approved a bill that would make it legal to carry a concealed gun without a permit.

Currently, it's legal in West Virginia to carry a gun without a permit openly, like in a holster.

This bill would let people cover up guns in public without a permit; for instance, under a coat.

People ages 18 through 20 would still need a permit and training under the proposal.

The bill also increases penalties for felonies committed with a gun.



  1. 11:06, Don't even dream that Hogan will come anywhere close to toughing this in his first term. If elected a second time you can almost guarantee he will do so but never in the first term.

    1. Why not? Isn't that why we elected him, who said we have to wait a certain time? Get it done NOW gov Hogan.

  2. Ridiculous, hope it never happens here.

    1. You need to move to a gun free zone and hope not to get robbed, liberal.

  3. never happen in Maryland until you vote out the Democrats

  4. all the thugs in da bury do this now

  5. Well, as I watch Slumbury die, this is just another reason for all of us to move out of here!

    1. I got out but I feel bad for the poor bastard that bought my house lol.

  6. In theory I believe the 2nd Amendment is intended to protect the right to carry either concealed or not, without a permit.

    That said, I still think some sort of training should be required, to ensure the person with the firearm is familiar with gun safety practices as well as the local laws regarding transporting and possessing them in public areas.


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