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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

We Do Not Need Another Clinton Administration. If Only Sanders Would Say It

Bernie Sanders has already done more to advance Social Democratic values and policies than anyone in U.S. American history, and for that I treasure him. He has a gut-level passion about inequality, poverty and injustice. He fights for equality with a tenacity surpassing any elected official since the New Deal. He is rightly outraged that the tax system is skewed to make equality worse, that the megabanks have become too-big-to-fail hedge funds trading on their own accounts, and that Republican leaders are bent on destroying Medicare and Social Security.

Sanders is the most morally serious candidate in the presidential race by virtue of pressing so strongly on these issues. There may be a majority out there that will vote for him, or at least consider it. He has already surged far beyond his political base—professional-class white progressives with backgrounds in movement politics, like me. He is reaching young voters and blue-collar whites, and is beginning to reach independents. But Sanders cannot win the nomination without breaking through to black and Latino voters who voted for Obama, and I think he is overgeneralizing his commendable determination to run a positive campaign, which shortchanges his message and his challenge to the party establishment.



  1. We don't need amother Liberal administration PERIOD.

  2. Sanders can't stop her -- Biden is the only Dem who might be able to do so, and Rubio is probably the only Rep who can.

  3. Who wants "equality"? Those who won't go out and earn things on their own! We don't need equality, just let us keep what we have earned and quit stealing it to give to others.
    If I want to give what I've earned to others, that's my decision to make, not Bernie Sanders'!

  4. If another Clinton administration would be like the last one I'd welcome it! We had 8 years of prosperity, job growth, prudent use of military force when needed and reaching across the aisle to actually get things done. Really couldn't care less about Monica or all the other silly diversions. Would love to have it as good as things were during the last Clinton administration.

  5. He has a issue bad mouthing Hillary and wants to Vp, he is a coward.

  6. We do not need a Sanders administration either.

  7. 8:29, I would agree if all that prosperity hadn't been built on repeal of Glass-Stegall, NAFTA and a tech bubble, all building a housing bubble built on derivatives and b.s. financing.

    Prosperity bought with the future is no prosperity at all.

    No more Clinton. No more Bush.

  8. 8:29 - you left out the demolishing of the military...keep drinking the leftist kool-aid!


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