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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Veteran Assaulted Wants Black Lives Matter To Condemn Attack

The Marine called a racist and subsequently assaulted by a gang of teenagers outside a Washington, D.C., McDonald’s is calling on the Black Lives Matter activist group to condemn the attack.

Chris Marquez, a decorated Marine veteran who received the Bronze Star for valor during his service in Iraq, was cornered by a group of black teenagers Feb. 12, who allegedly asked him “do you believe black lives matter?” He was later followed out the door and brutally hit on the side of the head by a suspect wielding a handgun. Video shows a number of individuals descend on Marquez as he lays unconscious, stealing his possessions and kicking his body. (VIDEO: Police Release Video Of McDonald’s Assault On Marine)



  1. If Caucasians don't do the same thing it will only get worse.

  2. This will end up being no different than trying to assess a moderate / peaceful Muslim. They won't decry the violence the radicals perform, they won't assist in the apprehension / capture of the violent extremists, and they rejoice when an act of terrorism occurs.

    Similarly, the Black Lives (Lies) Matter movement won't condemn the actions of these few while they rejoice in the event.

  3. Once trump gets in this will all fade away.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Once trump gets in this will all fade away.

    February 24, 2016 at 5:52 PM

    oh just stop it. no one person can stop society's ills without SOCIETY even attempting to lift a finger to help. that's why you all get played at every election.

    if you want something done right, do it yourself.


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