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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Union-backed bill pushes better pay for TSA airport screeners

Two Democratic House leaders and the largest federal employee union are leading the charge on a bill to give Transportation Security Administration airport screeners better pay, benefits and workplace protections.

House Homeland Security Committee ranking member Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and House Appropriations Committee ranking member Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) introduced a bill earlier this month that would transfer more than 45,000 airport transportation security officers to the General Schedule pay scale.

TSA currently operates under a pay-for-performance system meant to reward employees with outstanding evaluations, but Charity Wilson, a legislative representative with the American Federation of Government Employees, told Federal News Radio that the system has not been keeping workforce morale high.

“There have been various forms of this pay-for-performance system over the years, and it has devolved down to the point where TSOs are getting the highest rating, but they’re not seeing it reflected in their paychecks at all,” Wilson said. “Under the General System, which includes a form of evaluation that is built into that system, there is transparency, fairness and stability that is currently lacking.”



  1. How about getting rid of some of the morons and the TSA could pay better...

  2. they are already a waste of money .

  3. A lot of folks predicted this when the word "Union" was added to the process.

    Meanwhile, too many of the Thousands Standing Around are arrogant, incompetent, have the personality of Dial-Tone, and are on power trips in their positions!

    They've spent lots of money, wasted lots of travelers time, and failed most of the actual tests they have been presented with.

    We don't feel any safer - we feel pissed off at the inconvenience - we feel violated at the pat-downs - we feel intruded upon with the inspection tags in our luggage - and some of us have actually had items of value taken from our luggage by these purveyors of security!

  4. How about a pay raise for the Military

  5. How about sending those TSA workers back to McDonalds where they came from.
    We don't need them!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about sending those TSA workers back to McDonalds where they came from.
    We don't need them!

    February 25, 2016 at 4:17 PM

    because we already have enough people at mcd's getting orders wrong.

  7. the tsa worker pictured could frisk me anytime she wanted

  8. Since they have NEVER thwarted a hijacking, let's just retire them all so we can go ahead and get to our destinations faster.


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