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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Two Dozen Guns Walked Out Of A DC Police Evidence Locker, Half To Be Used In Other Crimes

More than two dozen firearms that were supposed to be in the custody of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) somehow made their way back to the streets and were used in other crimes, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation appear to show.

An internal memo from the D.C. Department of Forensic Sciences (DFS) reveals 24 guns police confiscated between 2005 and 2012 vanished from the MPD evidence locker and were later confiscated yet again in other crimes. One of the weapons reappeared in a murder, while several others were used to commit violent crimes

The issue with missing guns rose to the surface after a reporter requested information regarding the firearms recovered during homicides that occurred in 2014.



  1. What about all the dope and cash that turns up missing??? Just saying

  2. Just wow. Cops making more criminals to keep the "system" profitable.

    Just wow.

  3. Did you know that D.C. hires most of their officers from P.G. county , what does that tell you.

  4. A clear example of how LE is the biggest 'corrupt business' in the US.

  5. Ever wonder how some guns end up on the street?
    It ain't ALWAYS "thugs" and "punks".
    Keep cheering.


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