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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Trump: Watch Your Back!

By Ronald Holland

Well it appears that Donald Trump almost won the final Iowa debate he didn't even attend because of some problems with Fox News and one of their media attack dogs. Today he was within an ace of winning the Iowa Republican Caucus. Should this snowball continue, then the GOP establishment can't stop him, the media elites can't stop him so what happens next?

To put my cards on the table for readers, I'm a libertarian/conservative political commentator and financial expert with some liberal views on social issues. I know and first supported Rand Paul as I did his father Ron before him. I decided a few months ago that only someone financially independent of the corrupt political establishment of both parties could hope to have any real impact to create the desperately needed political change in the closed two-party monopoly of the United States. So you can assume that I am a lukewarm supporter of Donald Trump.

I have often written that you can do anything reasonable and within the law and say anything you choose in the United States and get away with it except when you have the public support to threaten the ruling power elites that control both political parties, big business, the establishment think tanks and the media. Well now Donald Trump has shown that the emperor or gatekeepers that really run everything and control information flow and public opinion appear powerless and impotent in the face of the Trump political blitzkrieg.

Party Elites Have Always Chosen The Presidential Nominees Until Now

Remember historically the power elites behind the scenes usually could care less which party won the presidential contests because the differences in views and governing are only cosmetic for public consumption. Candidates and the entire political process are usually carefully crafted to give the false impression that voters really can make a difference.

If you carefully look back over the last 50 years, races are either too close to call where either party can win and both candidates are controlled or are landslides where the winner is never in doubt and the more extreme loser on the left or right never really has no a chance to win.


  1. He should say PAAS when the Idiot Magen Kelly asks him a question she is a pos.

  2. Trump can beat Hillary, what else should matter.

  3. Trump will beat "Berni" as well.

    God has truly blessed us this election!

    Make America Great Again!

    Mr. Carson, you are up there on an equal level. God bless you and your campaign. If you win, please consider Donald for VP!

  4. The established GOP, will have him killed before he can be president.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 10, 2016 at 9:19 PM

    Trump-Cruz-Carson any combination of these 3 men in the office would be right direction to great to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Everyone else is either RINO, SOCIALIST OR COMMUNIST, who represents Crooked Establishment. We the People are angry and tired. Time to Clean Up the House Is Coming.


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