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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Top House Republican demands Kerry explain $1.7 billion Iran payment

The chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee demanded Wednesday that Secretary of State John Kerry explain a $1.7 billion settlement paid to Iran that some Republicans have described as a "ransom" tied to last month's release of five American prisoners.

Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., complained in a letter to Kerry that his committee was not consulted about the payment. The Obama administration claimed the agreement was made to settle a dispute with Iran over $400 million in frozen funds that dated back to 1979. The remaining $1.3 billion was described by the Obama administration as "interest".

"It is unclear how this $1.7 billion payment is in the national security interests of the United States," Royce wrote.



  1. I cannot get 5% / 10% on my savings. What a rip off of tax dollars given to our enemies.

  2. GTFOH!!!! After the RINO republican majority on congress vote yes to Obamas spending bill. Over a year in talks with IRAN and now it's a done deal. They want to cry about it. Please vote every sitting republican OUT. They are just as bad as the Democrats.

  3. I thought we were broke?

  4. Absolutely amazing. That's like asking a petulant five-year-old why there's only three cookies on the plate where there used to be six.

    This more looks like Congress trying to smokescreen the public into thinking they have any relevancy in DC anymore. RINOs didn't get their name from being real conservatives. They got that name because they are the fluffy lapdogs we love to pet and cuddle but don't expect to protect us in the garden between good and evil.


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