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Sunday, February 14, 2016

This Just In From Donald Trump

The RNC, which is probably not on my side, just illegally put out a fundraising notice saying Donald Trump wants you to contribute to the RNC.

"Get on Trump's List" is totally unauthorized, do not pay! I am self funding my campaign! Notice has just been withdrawn.


  1. Wow if the RNC are doing this to fund the RNC who will spend the money on taking out trump with his own $.that's MESSED UP.

  2. Love him or hate him, he is not beholden no any special interest.

  3. And check this out. Seems he was right about the one sided trade deals. http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/ford-makes-massive-announcement-proves-trump-is-100-right/

  4. This is why even if Donald exits and runs independent we need to vote him in anyway. The RNC sucks as much as the DNC.

  5. I have a bad feeling that MCConneell is going to roll over amd let Obama appoint. If that happens then I can tell you this much, I'm voting Trump for sure.

  6. 1006 or who? Sanders? Seriously?! Openly states taking more hard earned money from us and YOU think that is good???!!

  7. You see what the RNC did with Michael Steele when he was a part of it. There are some screwed up people in the RNC ruining our Republican Party.

    I am watching the Cruz fans viciously fighting the Trump fans or anyone that doesn't support Cruz. Those people have some serious mental issues. It's so bad that they don't care that Cruz is not eligible to be the POTUS.

  8. Anonymous said...
    This is why even if Donald exits and runs independent we need to vote him in anyway. The RNC sucks as much as the DNC.

    February 14, 2016 at 9:32 PM

    You better hope he doesn't run as an independent. If he does the election will go to the Democrats. It's a known fact that 3rd Party's spoil the elections.

  9. Obama will appoint and he cannot be stopped . However , he will wait until the last minute so he can appoint Hillary or Bernie if either loses. If Hillary wins , she will appoint Obama, she has already said this.

  10. RNC needs a huge fine if this is theirs.
    Big time. We will never again contribute to them!

  11. 6:00 Waiting to last minute will give too little time for confirmation. Ain't gonna happen.

  12. 6am, your lack of understand is beyond help.


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