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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Terminal Cancer Patient Admits Breaking the Law to Take Cannabis — And It Saved His Life

Camp Hill, PA – Initially hiding his identity to protect himself and his family from the state and federal government, a 56-year-old man diagnosed with stage 4 cancer chose to reveal himself on Tuesday in order to publicly tell state lawmakers how an illegal medical treatment helped save his life. Although the government has determined that cannabis kills cancer cells, further research is restricted due to the fact that marijuana remains a Schedule I drug along with heroin, LSD, and bath salts.

Diagnosed with stage 4 bile duct cancer in March 2015, Randal Ray Robertson was told he had a two percent chance of survival with the probability of only living another nine to eleven months. After the cancer spread to Robertson’s lungs and liver, one of his doctors suggested medical marijuana even though the drug is illegal for medicinal use in Pennsylvania. As the chemotherapy treatments completely emaciated Robertson, he decided to break the law in a desperate attempt to save his life.

“If you can’t eat, you can’t heal. If you can’t sleep, you can’t heal. If you can’t digest your food properly, you can’t heal. Pharmaceutical medications are designed to shut your system down, that’s what they do, marijuana does not do that,” his wife, Molly Robertson, told ABC27.



  1. Take heed, government. If you persist in keeping this life saving medication from cancer patients and others, you are, in effect, murdering them.

  2. Almost nobody comes back from Stage 4 cancer, and those very few who do are ravaged by the surgical, drug and radiation treatments.
    And the financial cost to individuals, families and every one of us is enormous.
    Cannabis, on the other hand, has virtually no side effects, improves appetite, vigor and mental outlook, and kills cancer cells. And it can be had virtually for free almost anywhere that water, sunshine and dirt exist.
    And this is just talking about cancer. Cannabis should be a first line treatment for dozens of other diseases and conditions.

    It's time for us to pull our heads out of the sand.

  3. Marijuana is federally listed as a Schedule 1 drug. Marinol (synthetic THC) is Schedule III, down there with Tylenol with Codeine.

    This prohibition seems more and more about control for profit than anything else. Profits by drug companies, hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, attorneys and even law enforcement, from the town sheriff to the for-profit prison system.

  4. 1:44 You really should toke up,maybe it will help with your personality.

  5. 1:44....BS.
    Cite your New England Journal of Medicine studies.
    Or ANY research that says anything like that.
    Quit parroting the "official" line.
    I'll bet you still believe (because the government told you....) that marijuana makes people ravaging sexual predators and makes white girls go crazy for black musicians.
    Start thinking for yourself. Do you REALLY believe that marijuana is equally as dangerous as HEROIN (that's also what the government says)???
    My God, the ignorance of some of you cheerleaders and lemmings is beyond measure.

  6. 1:44 you are clueless and have obviously done absolutely no research

  7. It's an Alien plant, should be used by all. Only good thing Maryland has done.

  8. 1:44 PM - when whatever form of cancer has you on the ropes, see if you change your story.
    And in the meantime, do some real reading.

  9. Having been a Stage III cancer patient, I can attest to the horrors of today's cancer treatments. They're essentially shots in the dark with profoundly damaging drugs and radiation.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Marijuana causes cancer, just like tobacco. This is nonsense. People should just admit they like getting high, and stop with the lies.

    February 18, 2016 at 1:44 PM

    It's mind boggling to see so many people still uninformed in today's world. The answer to just about any question lies at your fingertips. It is so easy yet some are still too lazy to do a simple search or two.


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