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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Target Launches Gender Neutral Kid Collection

Target is launching a new gender-neutral home collection for kids called Pillowfort, a move it says is based on customer feedback, according to a press release.

The line features bold designs and colors with a look that mimics the handmade quality shoppers see while browsing Etsy or Pinterest. It features bedding, furniture, wall decor and other home goods that can be mixed and matched.

Target said in a press release that items in the collection will fall under 12 themes, including “Tropical Treehouse,” “Stellar Station” and “Ocean Oasis.”



  1. Never liked Target anyhow.
    Now I will definitely not shop at the PC store

  2. More wussification of the American Alpha Male.

  3. Target is a womans store there really isn't anything in there for a real man.

  4. Salisbury is the SMALLEST Target store in the USA.


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